Personal Update–3/30

 Posted by at 12:23 pm  Personal
Mar 302012

Last night my COPD was bad, and my coughing so severe that neighbors came to the door to see if I was OK.  I needed to stay down today.


  4 Responses to “Personal Update–3/30”

  1. Hope you’re feeling better soon TomCat… 😀

  2. Take care and return quickly!
    In the interim, here’s a Comment from a NY Times Op-Ed that had me nodding my head in agreement because it so effectively touches the bases on Gun Control, War on Women, Ultrasounds and Trayvon Martin’s killing.  (NOTE: You will have to click “Readers’ Picks” in the Comment Section toward the bottom to actually bring it up, as there are almost 400 Comments, and counting)
    Why do lawmakers make it harder and harder to get an abortion, even in the cases where the mother will die, but easier and easier to get a gun? Do they only care about a life before it is born?
    Why don’t gun buyers have to follow the same rules women are forced to follow? Wait 48 hours after applying. View on ultrasound of a body with a bullet in it. Listen to the heartbeat of someone as they die of a gunshot wound. Get a lecture from a surgeon on what it is like to operate on a gunshot wound. After all that, if a person still wants a gun, he or she can buy one. Why should buying a gun be any easier than having an abortion?
  3. I am sorry you are feeling so poorly, but I must say that I am so thankful that your neighbours care enough about you to check on you.  That has taken a big load off my shoulders as I worried about you with no one there.  I have the same problem as I live alone and my one neighbour will call if he hasn’t seen me for a few days.

    Hope you’re feeling better soon.  By the way, wanted to say that I am so proud of you for backing off the blog when your COPD flares up.  I just said to a friend that I thought you were doing a great job in that respect, even though it may pain you not to work on it.  You are important to us, a bottle of water in a rightwing dry desert.

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