Mar 022012

The Blunt Amendment was the most extreme attempt yet, at the federal level, by the Republican Party to deprive women of birth control and other health care services.  Republicans are doing their level vest to return women to the status of chattel, just like they held in the 19th century.  Fortunately Senate Democrats defeated the Blunt Amendment yesterday morning, but there were defections.

2RepWarBy a largely party-line vote, the Senate on Thursday blocked a move to exempt virtually any employer with moral objections from the Obama administration’s controversial birth control health coverage rule.

The measure, an amendment proposed by Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) to a highway funding bill, was tabled—and therefore effectively killed—by a vote of 51 to 48.

Only one Republican Senator, Olympia Snowe of Maine voted against the measure. Three Democratic Senators supported it, Robert Casey (Pa.), Joe Manchin (W.V.), and Ben Nelson (Neb.).

The measure was among the most sweeping of several congressional efforts to broaden the current religious exemption in the birth control rule, which only fully exempts explicitly religious organizations such as churches from its requirement that worker health plans include contraceptive coverage with no out of pocket charges… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Washington Post>

If any of the three Democrats are yours, I hope you’ll give them a call and condemn their votes in the strongest possible terms.  As upset as I am with Casey, had he not won, former Senator Frothmeister would have that Senate seat.  Manchin is a terrible DINO, but from WV, the choices are a DINO or an extreme Koch sucker.  The worst of the three, Benedict Nelson, might as well be a Republican.  Fortunately he is retiring and Bob Kerry is campaigning to take his place.

Ed Schultz covers the story and interviews Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), Terry O’Neill and Caroline Heldman.

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The misogyny here is so extreme that it has to hurt the Republican Regime, long term.

Lawrence O’Donnell discussed the vote and the effects on Republican candidates with Alex Wagner and Chris Hayes.

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This shows that Rmoney would be the same kind of President that Crawford Caligula was. He would do what his handlers, people like Rove and Cheney, tell him to do.

However, we can be thankful that Limbarf has not reproduced.

Every Republican in office is one Republican too many!


  15 Responses to “Democrats Win on Women’s Rights”

  1. “Only one Republican Senator, Olympia Snowe of Maine voted against the measure. Three Democratic Senators supported it, Robert Casey (Pa.), Joe Manchin (W.V.), and Ben Nelson (Neb.).”

    Thank you Olympia Snowe again for reasonable votes, thumbs down to blue Dog Democrats…

  2. Another batle won but the war will rage on!

  3. Was sorry to see Sen. Sue Collins (R-ME) voted for the Blunt amendment …
    BUT relieved to see that my Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO) voted against Blunt (R-MO). 
    I know she’s got a tough race in my Purple-Trending-Red state of Missouri this year, but glad to see she took a stand for her own gender – as well as the rest of us who value the rights of women!
  4. This whole circumstance is idiotic, and rather oxymoronic on the GOP’s part, too. A Jewish employer has to recognize Christmas as a legal holiday, for example, and has to pay any employee time and a half for working that Christian holiday. Does that not amount to forcing that employer to conflict with his own religious beliefs?

    Further hypocrisy – The Catholic Church is always open in its support for illegal aliens. The Vatican also owns a pharmaceutical company that’s Europe’s largest producer of birth control pills.

    • Excellent points Rob.  I had forgotten about Christmas and Easter too — I had some Jehovah’s Witness staff that would volunteer to work for others who wanted to take the time off.  Turning that around is most illuminating.

      Excellent.  Thanks

    • I agree with Lynn.

  5. Let this continue, please. Let it continue until even people who never watch any news are aware of what the Rushpubliscum Party is all about.

  6. Love the graphic which I know isn’t yours.  Reminds me of one from the UK that was used in Canada in the 60’s when dealing with teen sex and pregnancy.  So appropriate!

    I get so tired of these moronic Republicans continuing with the charade of ‘freedom of religion’.  This not about freedom of religion, it never has been.  It is about some men wanting to control everything around them.  It is about insecure little boys trying to boost their own self esteem by castgating women.

    I applaud Sandra Fluke for standing her ground, despite the things that that bombastic Limbaugh said.  Personally, I think she should sue him for demation.  Any apology that he might eventually be forced to give would be disingenuous at best.

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