Feb 122012

Bill Maher is sometimes crude, usually irreverent, and almost always funny.  In his latest he had at everybody’s least favorite circus, the Republican Party.


In his latest “New Rule” segment Friday evening, Bill Maher discussed Republicans’ continued criticism of parts of the nation not considered apart of “Red America.”…

Inserted from <Raw Story>


The Poor Republican on the panel was intellectually outgunned by every other person there. Watch out for that Sylvestinager! He makes his case that Republicans who are the ones dividing America, in thoroughly hilarious fashion.


  11 Responses to “Bill Maher Knows About Republicans”

  1. Maher is me, only a bit more savvy and even more atheist!

  2. Maher is a total crackup.

  3. Even when I don’t agree with him– I love him- I love the on target sarcasm—


  4. Loved it!

  5. Love the section on Newty and his pronouncement about people living in highrises and the New York subway being elitist.  Just goes to show how out of touch, or just plain stupid, Newty (and the rest of the GOP) is.  “Why don’t they travel like real Americans in a spaceship to the moon!”

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