Dec 062011

Yesterday I didn’t make it out.  I caught up my email backlog, and tried to nap, without success because of interruptions.  I’m gradually improving, but still well short of well.  I’m current with replies.  Tomorrow I absolutely have to run errands.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:36 (average 5:22).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Huffington Post: The Federal Election Commission drew a line Thursday on how far campaign finance laws will unravel in the wake of the Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United ruling. The FEC ruled unanimously against a controversial proposal from Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) to open an independent expenditure-only account, commonly known as a super PAC, within his leadership PAC.

Lee asked the commission to approve the creation of a separate segregated fund within his Constitutional Conservatives Fund that could receive unlimited contributions from corporations, unions and individuals to be spent on independent expenditures benefiting other candidates for office. Lee would have been the first member of Congress to directly control his own super PAC.

I’m surprised that the FEC Republicans voted against this.

From AP/Google: The NAACP says it is gathering information on the effect of new state laws that tightened rules on voting in order to make its case to the Justice Department that the laws are discriminatory.

DOJ is already on this, but since so many Busheviks burrowed in to “nonpartisan” jobs from politically appointed jobs, the department is infested.  I’m glad the NAACP is holding their feet to the fire.

From Think Progress: In a new interview with Newsbusters’ Noel Sheppard, Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK) reiterated his delusional claim that manmade global warming is “the greatest hoax ever.” Inhofe believes that the last eight years of record warmth and catastrophic weather have vindicated his claim, and that he is “doing the Lord’s work [wing-nuts delinked]” by demonizing attempts to limit fossil fuel pollution.

I’m sure the Koch Brothers are pay7ing him good money to say that.




  6 Responses to “Open Thread–12/6/2011”

  1. Cartoon — I’ll support the candidate in the middle!  He looks a little pastie faced, but at least he does not discriminate when taking out the trash.  He takes out Republican/Teabaggers, DINOs and Blue dogs alike.  The other two discriminate and only take out those that don’t agree with them (Democrats)!

    Federal Election Commission — Well finally a little sanity in the campaign finance side.  Giving the candidate control is nothing more than opening the door to conflict of interest and abuse.  Why not just give the fox the keys to the hen house?

    NAACP — I had an e-mail a few days back from the NAACP advising that they were collecting information about the laws being enacted in various states that would suppress the vote.  While not immediately affected by this since I am a Canadian, I nonetheless feel that once a cancer is set, it knows no bounds and spreads.  And voter suppressio is a cancer and the DOJ must deal effectively with these acts of suppression.  These are the very types of acts, and more, that international observers are called upon to report.  Perhaps an international delegation should be called upon to observe the US elections and state antics to suppress the vote!  Wouldn’t that be, as my stepfather would say, “a shot in the snotbox!” 

    Climate Change — This Republican/Teabagger may be doing his lord’s work (Kock brothers), but he sure isn’t doing God’s work.  These climate change deniers are so . . . so . . . dumbassed!  I guess money talks more that mega storms, but wait until his house, with him in it, is whisked away in a freak severe storm.  Money won’t buy his life back!

    • LOL.  That’s a label describing the other two.

      I thing the Republicans went along, because permitting it would require a majority, which they knew they couldn’t get.

      Election observers here would be an excellent idea.  I can hear the Republicans screaming already. 😉


  2. Their hypocracies and impunities never end….


  3. 5:22  I was not much competition today.  TomCat, how you did it in 3:36, I will never know.

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