Nov 282011

Yesterday I stayed mostly down and mediated on the Ellipsoid Orb.  I’m current with replies.  Either today or Wednesday I have to go out to run errands, depending on the weather and how I feel.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 5:03 (average 5:33).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Religious Ecstasy:


Short Takes:

From Elizabeth Warren debunks health care myths.


This stuff we need to know. We need single-payer, outcome based health care.

From AP/Google: Republican presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich landed the endorsement of New Hampshire’s largest newspaper on Sunday while rival Mitt Romney earned a dismissive wave, potentially resetting the race in the state with the first-in-the-nation primary.

A while back, I said Newter’s campaign was over, when his campaign staff flew the coop.  When I’m wrong, I say so.  I underestimated the desperation of the Republican base for a non-Romney, coupled with the self destruction of everyone else.

From Think Progress: The Arab League today approved financial sanctions on Syria after the Bashar al-Assad regime’s failure to end the violent crackdown on pro-democracy activists there. Nineteen of the organization’s 22 members voted to support the sanctions, which “include a travel ban on senior Syrian officials and a halt to commercial flights to the country.

Given Israel’s opposition to Assad, and their justifiable anger at Israel’s current government, I’m gratified that the Arab League is acing responsibly here.




  9 Responses to “Open Thread–11/28/2011”

  1. Elizabeth Warren — Scary when you think you have coverage and then find out when you least can afford it that it isn’t adequate.  I certainly like my Canadian universal healthcare!  It isn’t perfect, no one system is, but it substantially covers me.

    Gingrich — I’m appalled that any one of the Republican/Teabaggers think that they are to the job of POTUS.  Most political candidates come with some baggage, but the GOP group seem to come with steamer trunks upon steamer trunks full of it.  While most are fading to black, I still think Gingrich eventually will too, sooner or later.  They are all  such a bunch of children.

    Syria — I also understand that the Arab League has frozen Syrian assets in their individual countries.  But al-Assad still remains defiant.  Al-Assad was reportedly an introvert little interested in governing but was forced into it.  Times have changed but I wonder if he is just a figurehead with his strings being pulled by someone high within the Alawite tribe.  Nonetheless, if he does not step aside, he will be very dead, and there will be civil war between the various tribes.  There was also a comment on the news that the Arab League delayed slightly because they were watching to see what the west (sic the US) would do.  I think that the weat was right not to interfere this time.  It is too easy, with the differing philosophies and values, to blame the west if something goes wrong.  This way, philosophies are closer (or should be) and I believe the Arab League has a stronger position than the west.

    Koch Industries — In the immortal lines of that song, the name of which I cannot remember, “Burn baby, burn!”

    • Indeed.  It has happened to several of my friends.  They had paid for years, gotten sick, and were cancelled.  You are much better off.

      I’m not so sure.  They are desperate for a non-Romney.

      i agree.

      It is a representation of hell.

  2. 5:50  Not a very good restart.  I did not even beat the average.  Time to regroup.

  3. LOL Tom…is that New Rome burning or the old one? Or is it Hell? Either way, we are in it.

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