Good Shopping on Black Friday

 Posted by at 12:01 am  Politics
Nov 272011

In solidarity with the 99%, I did not spend a penny on Black Friday, in spite of some very attractive bargains, but yesterday I learned of the kind of Black Friday shopping that I can heartily endorse.  In the Plutocratic Corporate Dictatorship of Fitzwalkerstan, formerly Wisconsin, patriots headed out to the malls to collect signatures to recall Scott Walker.

WalkerShameBlack Friday is a big day for the American economy, with businesses starting off the holiday shopping season with big deals. And in Wisconsin, another bargain is on offer: Signing petitions to recall Gov. Scott Walker!

On Wednesday, the state Democratic Party announced that volunteers would be collecting signatures near shopping centers during Black Friday, in their effort to recall Walker.

"Volunteers in every corner of the state have been working very long hours over the past week to get the signatures needed to take Wisconsin back from the corporations and cronies Scott Walker serves, and this weekend, they’ll continue that grassroots effort," state Dem chair Mike Tate said in a statement on Wednesday. "While this means that some of them will miss out on time they’d normally spend with their families, they know the work they’re doing will ultimately benefit their families and the state far more."… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Alternet>

Just in case you’ve forgotten how important recalling Walker is, lets look back to one of Walker’s most defining moments, the time that Ian Murphy from the Daily Beast called Walker pretending to be David Koch.  Note how little Murphy has to say, as Walker, completely fooled, rambles on and on, exposing himself as a Koch sucking, corporate whore.

Part 2:

Thank you to the Democrats in Wisconsin for sacrificing their holiday weekend to reclaim their state for its citizens.


  12 Responses to “Good Shopping on Black Friday”

  1. Scott Walker is the one who is going to be punked when he loses his Governorship!

  2. Walker will surely and very deservedly be BOOTED from office early in the new year, and let that be a lesson to ALL reactionary Republicans that one will NEVER be allowed to sneak into office with only a slim plurality and then force through draconian legislation beneficial only to big money and corporations!

  3. What a lying , conniving sack of bullshit!! – Just listening to this gives any thinking person plenty of reason for riding his ass out of town , on a rail , tarred and feathered— “One of US!!!!! ” .!!! … He talks of  “Ethics ”  Bet the S-O-B cannot even define the word–

    Seems like this , alone , contains enough to hang him— by his own words!!

  4. Scum of the earth. I hope they’re all routed and put back on the honey wagon they came in on.

  5. I truly believe Scott has a stellar future in the movies:

  6. I am amazed that Walker never once questioned the identity of the caller which shows how truly stupid he is.  And to go on and on and on with little prompting from ‘Koch’.  As Phyllis said, “Seems like this , alone , contains enough to hang him— by his own words!!”  And I agree.  If anybody is guilty of ethics violations it is Walker.  May the knife of the petitions find his neck really quickly.

    TC, you said “That’s why I put it up again.”.  When did this first first make headlines and what was Walker’s reaction and the public action?

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