Nov 262011

One of the constant memes we hear from the Republican Party is that they are the ones who support and defend our Constitutional rights.  To see how valid this claim is, lets examine am example of how they practice what they peach in real life, in this case, the right to free speech.

26BrownbackHatIn a blatant violation of the First Amendment, a public high school in Prairie Village, Kansas disciplined a student for speaking out against Gov. Sam Brownback (R-KS):

Emma Sullivan, a senior at Shawnee Mission East High School in Prairie Village, was in Topeka on Monday as part of Kansas Youth in Government, a program for students interested in politics and government.

During the session, in which Brownback addressed the group, Sullivan posted on her personal Twitter page: “Just made mean comments at gov brownback and told him he sucked, in person #heblowsalot”

On Tuesday, Sullivan was called to her principal’s office and told that the tweet had been flagged by someone on Brownback’s staff and reported to organizers of the Youth in Government program. . . .

Sullivan said the principal ordered her to write letters of apology to Brownback, the school’s Youth in Government sponsor, the district’s social studies coordinator and others.

It’s troubling that Brownback’s staff is so thin skinned that the felt the need to call down the government’s wrath on a simple high school student who had the audacity to criticize the governor. If nothing else, one would think a state governor’s office has better things to do than troll the internet looking for young dissenting voices they can intimidate.

Moreover, there’s no question that the high school principal violated Sullivan’s First Amendment rights… [emphasis original]

Inserted from <Think Progress>

Do you remember Joe Wilson (R-SC)?  He the Republican who called out “YOU LIE!” during President Obama’s State of the Union Address on the floor of Congress.  Republicans on the House Ethics Committee blocked a call for Wilson’s censure, claiming that they were protecting his right to free speech.  Such an act far and away outweighs the severity of Sullivan’s Twittering. But Republicans believe in the right to free speech only in so far as it protects what they want to say.  For the rest of us, they think the First Amendment does not apply.


  30 Responses to “The Republican Approach to Free Speech”

  1. The oligarchy has ensured there is no first amendment left for the left but there is still the second. Besides now they have made a lifelong liberal.

  2. First Amendments Rights only pertain to the politicians. Didn’t you know that?

  3. Tom, you have a LOT of letters of apology to write….get busy! PLUS, 100 times on the blackboard write: I will not call Cheney a Dick!

  4. Just watch!  If by some strange cosmic happenstance the Republican/Teabaggers get into the WH AND have Congressional majorities, I’ll bet they’ll try to do away with the 1st amendment so that the 99% can’t call them names etc and can’t criticise them!  I know it would have to be ratified by the states, but with so many Republican/Teabagger states, would it be difficult?  Probably not.  What is the count — 75% for ratification in order to have the constitution amended, or is it 100%?

    • The  normal route is for it to be passed by a 2/3 super-majority in both the House and the Senate and then ratified by majority votes in 3/4 of the  state legislatures.  It could also be passed in a convention of states and ratified by 3/4 of the state legislatures.

  5. Sorta like the Soup Nazi on Seinfeld (gee, I hope I’m not the only one that remembers….) “NO FREE  SPEECH FOR YOU….GO TO THE BACK OF THE LINE.”

  6. Where are the kid’s parents? I would as a father pull her out of that Youth Government program and write each apoogy letter with a follow up, stating that any apology written was under duress and she didn’t mean that the Governor “sucked”, she meant that he represents tyranny and should be called upon to resign immediately or at the very least make a public statement about how first amendment rights shall be upheld by my administration and those involved in flagging the student’s remarks have been terminated. I would then request a meeting with the prinicipal and ask that he apologize to her, and bring up the case at the following PTA meeting – – but “I’m not in Kansas any more” – thinking of which,  that wicked teacher apparently presented an accurate depiction of school administrations in that rotten little state!

  7. Republicans? Free speech? HAAAAA! The only thing THEY support is speech which agrees 100% with THEIR viewpoint! I hope that Sullivan girl goes on to become a constitutional lawyer who prosecutes Republicans exclusively!

  8. Younger people lack a sophisticated language to express their anger, their discontentment and their disappointment in the adults who are supposed to be their role models, however as US citizens they have the right to the freedom of speech and that is a birthright..The comments are about the rudeness of the words..Hello people, look around and watch what is going on with the GOP debates and the lack of civility among the psychotic contenders, not one fit for the Presidency.

    I think she owes no apology and to the contrary the adults who infringed upon her freedom of speech should be apologizing to her for blatantly trampling her rights.

  9. Funny that a student who identifies herself as liberal was the one to use a homosexual slur to try to insult someone.

    • Welcome Joe.  🙂

      Over the years, that invective has become so commonplace that people who use it no longer intend it as gay related.  Liberals don’t have a problem accepting gay people.  It’s Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christians that do.

  10. Does free speech allow for someone to be personally insulted? Surely, personal insults add nothing to any discussion, public or otherwise.

    • Welcome Roger. 🙂

      Certainly, but if we can believe him (I don’t), he was not insulted.  It was all an overreaction by staff.

      I agree, between private individuals in a discussion, but when it comes to public figures, insults as comedy or satire can serve a purpose.  For example, Agent Orange, referring to Boehner says much more than just two words worth.

  11. I heard reported today 27/11/11 that the young woman has refused to apologise because she wouldn’t really mean it.  Also, the incident has garnered a lot of attention on Twitter and apparently she has over 3,000 followers.  Can you imagine, all this brought on by a stupid politician who should have understood the Constitution and first amendment rights.

    The young woman has principles and she’s smart to see through this Republican/Teabagger.

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