Nov 252011

It’s hard to get past a holiday without the pseudo-Christian followers of Republican Supply-side Jesus (not the real one) finding an excuse to display their gospel of bigotry, hate and intolerance.  For Thanksgiving they reached a level of stupidity in their fear mongering seldom seen before.  Cower under your beds!  Your Thanksgiving turkey, they say, is a secret agent of Islam.

25turkeyRed-blooded Christian Americans, consider yourselves warned. The American Family Association’s Bryan Fischer has discovered a plot to secretly infiltrate America’s ovens with Muslim turkeys:

I want to talk a little bit about Butterball turkeys. And I want to let you know [that] every single Butterball turkey sold in the United States of America has been sacrificed to Allah.


Every single turkey that Butterball sells has been ritually slaughtered according to Islamic practice and has had an Islamic prayer prayed over that bird while it is being slaughtered.

If your Thanksgiving turkey starts speaking Arabic or insists on wearing a hijab, now you know the reason. But this is no joking matter to Fischer, who raises the possibility of a pressure campaign against Butterball this Christmas…

Inserted from <Right Wing Watch>

Here’s the video:

The problem, of course, is that Geller and Fischer, are practicing a Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christian holiday ritual. They are lying.

Mellissa Harris Perry debunks this Republican lie.

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I am thankful that, as a Christian, I can also honor the faith of those who are not, and I am thankful that authentic Muslims are far more Christian than Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christians.


  30 Responses to “Was Your Turkey Wearing a Hijab?”

  1. Oh my God. What are these people on?

  2. They also forgot to mention that they have Kosher turkeys as well! Yummy! I guess they like the way that we saw them being slaughtered in that Palin clip with their heads just being rammed into a box full of chopping blades.

    Just in case they forgot the torture killing of animals bred for food rather than the humane halal or kosher way.

    Off with their heads

  3. Butterball is a factory farm. They don’t take the time to kill turkeys humanely, let alone pray over them. Thanks for my AM giggle, TomCat.

    On another note, the first Prez to pardon a turkey was Gerald Ford when he pardoned Nixon.

  4. Thank you. I feel better now.

  5. Thank Allah I’m not a terrorist – I ate ham – organically fed, free on the range and humanely put down, and personally chosen for sacrifice by my son – actually he got the whole “Wilbur” a few months back and, being paleo froze every edible part (NYC apartments and prices could never accomodate such goings on) – nobody prayed – so we ate our atheist Wilbur, and thought of things to be thankful for! I don’t think either a Muslim or a Jew would find our meal much of a blessing – but it was one of my favorites!!! Buddah be praised (course he was vegetarian for the most part, tis said that meat finally “done him in” – ’cause beggars can’t be choosers – although he chose to live life as a part of the .00001% of the 99%’ers, opting for a life of poverty like some of the other religious seminarians do – probably even a few Muslims (sshhh – don’t tell!) – let’s be thankful for our all-American bigoted racists who hate in the name of ? (forgot “what’s his face”- they believe in, although I’m sure whoever it might be isn’t related to a Christian deity!  Thanks TomCat – I’m often blown away by our ” evangelical christian” bros and sistahs – at least they’re consistent  and help to remind us of their like minded heritage to our pilgrim forebears who were a part of the first “creationists” of “thanksgiving” – the time to remember the slaughter of Native Americans and “smallpoxed” babes!

  6. Would someone please explain to Fischer, Geller, and their ilk that Allah is the same god worshipped by Abraham, Moses, and Jesus (see the Quran)? Really, this halal hysteria is a bit much. How much do you want to bet that they’ll be at it again over Christmas dinner turkeys?

  7. Is there no end to their nuttiness??  The One God  ( by whatever name is chosen )  must be shaking his head in bewildered  amusement —

    El Toro Poopoo —   ( Bullshit)

  8. I don’t really care. I didn’t care when everything was Kosher and Halal doesn’t bother me either. I wish you were on Facebook still. There’s a group called the Christian Left. They are straight out of the 60’s with their liberal attitude. It’s made me like Christians again…. well not all of them… but I do try.

  9. I think Butterball should sue these idiots and then maybe they will think before they say the next stupid thing!

  10. I see that the American Family Association is johnny on the spot with this Halal turkey thing. God Bless them for being wrong – again!

  11. Stupid is as stupid does!  These words were never truer. 

    Even if a turkey is certified halal, what is the problem?  Our First Nations people prayed for the soul and gave thanks for the animals they killed for food.  Since they were not Christian, does that mean that there is something wrong with these animals?  Has the turkey anything to say about being halal?  Of course not, but I’ll bet that being thankful for that turkey’s surrendered life would be more important to the turkey than the antics of a bunch of rightwingnuts.

    Somebody should remind Fischer, Geller and their ilk that they, all turkeys themselves, are lucky not to be on the slaughter list.  Personally, there meat has been poisoned by the non Christian values they hold.

  12. What are these people smokin? I’m not a big fan of turkey but if the bird was slaughtered according to halal rules then at least it was done a heck of a lot better than it is on the factory farms. Wild turkey is the best by far. and no I don’t mean the kind that comes in a bottle although I drank a few bottles of overproof Wild Turkey back in the days. Get a reality check people. I don’t want to belong to any religion but particularly not one that manifests hatred and fear mongering.

    • Welcome Michael 🙂

      Excellent point,. but may I suggest that fear mongering comes not ftro religion, but from right-wing abuse of religion.

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