Open Thread–11/8/2011

 Posted by at 12:00 am  Open Thread, Personal
Nov 082011

Yesterday I did not feel well.  There was no specific complaint.  I just felt lethargic all day.  Sleeping most of the day has not helped.  I’m current on replies.  Today I have everything scheduled for yesterday to get done.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:41 (average 4:31).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From AFP/Google: The number of Americans living in poverty grew Monday to 49.1 million, or 16 percent of the total population, under a new US Census Bureau methodology that gave more weight to day-to-day expenses.

Officially, some 46.6 million people in the United States, or 15.2 percent, live under the poverty line, but that figure is rooted in statistical methods dating back to the 1950s and based on pre-tax income.

Thanks RepubliCorp!

From Irish Central: Israeli commandos have been accused of abusing 14 Irish citizens, after they stormed a boat attempting to deliver humanitarian aid to Gaza.

Two of the 14 Irish citizens awaiting court cases and deportation have revealed the full extent of the horrors they suffered at the hands of the Israeli military.

I understand they turned high pressure water hoses on defenseless unarmed people in their control.

From MSNBC: Obama continues to run ahead of the Republican presidential front-runners in hypothetical general-election match ups — leading former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney by six points and former businessman Herman Cain by 15 points.

While polls so far out from election day are virtually meaningless, the oft repeated claim from the right that that the Republican contenders are outpacing Obama are hogwash.




  2 Responses to “Open Thread–11/8/2011”

  1. Poverty — And the Republican/Teabaggers wonder why OWS!  Should there be any doubt?

    Israel — Will Israel ever learn?  Perhaps by coöperating with aid vessels and establishing a protocol, the aid to Palestinians could get to where it is needed.  Holding Palestinians hostage only serves to fuel aggression.  Netanyahu and his cadré of thugs needs to go and an enlightened humanitarian government put in place for the benefit of all.

    Election 2012 — There are still 12 months before the voting, far too early to tell what might happen.  However, having said that, based on the lies and deceit that I have seen in the news from the Republican/Teabaggers, I certainly hope that they don’t form the government.  Republican state governments are already showing their moral destitution in how they ‘stack the deck’ when it comes to writing laws that suppress the vote of various groups that tend to vote Democrat.  In my mind, there is no reason to believe that the federal Republicans are no less morally destitute and will conive to get their version of  the American dream, no matter who they have to silence in the process.  Abe Lincoln, a Republican, is probably rolling in his grave at the antics today’s Republicans are using

    Cartoon — Great cartoon,  I have a hard time with the word ‘hate’ when it applies to people, but I can hate some of the stupid things they do.  And this certainly applies to the stunts that the Republicans have used to undermind the very basis of the US.

    • Exactly, and the ranks are growing.

      I hope so.  It would make sense to inspect aid vessels for weapons and let them through.

      Abe has a problem.  His casket is full of poop.



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