Oakland Strikes!

 Posted by at 12:06 am  Uncategorized
Nov 032011

It’s too soon to tell how effective, overall the general strike in Oakland, CA will be, but despite my words fearing the opposite, which I am now happy to eat, the early signs look good..  The 99% protesters are getting strong union support and participation in the first general strike in the US in the last 65 years.  Some businesses supported the strike, and most respected it.  With few exceptions, and those not at all related to the OWS movement, the demonstration was peaceful.

3occupy-oakland-strike-11-2[5]Many businesses in downtown Oakland are closed during today’s Occupy Oakland general strike, whether in support of the movement or in preparation for the mass of protesters marching through the streets.

The closed stores included national chains such as Rite Aid, Tully’s Coffee and Foot Locker. Some of the stores that remained open would only accept cash to honor the strike and avoid sending credit card fees to multinational corporations and banks.

Many local bank branches tried to stay open for customers, but were forced to lock doors where hoards of protesters neared. Marchers also tried to discourage use of ATMs.

Although the Oaklandish clothing store on Broadway closed, staff members set up a turntable with a DJ outside and are offering free water to protesters…

Inserted from <San Francisco Chronicle>

Keith Olbermann covered the strike and other OWS news in two segments on Countdown.

Part 2:

I condemn the actions of the vandals who smashed windows and tried to create havoc.  They are not part of the OWS movement.  Sadly, when people of good will gather to do what is right, others take advantage of the demonstrations and selfishly as them as a cover to do wrong to pursue an agenda of their own.  These are not acts of civil disobedience.  They are crimes.  I hope they are identified, apprehended and prosecuted.  I also hope you will join me in condemning behavior that can only work against our purposes.  While I have no evidence to support this, I would not be surprised to discover that they are agents provocateur in the hire of the Banksters themselves.

Huge kudos to the demonstrators and the unions and businesses that supported them.


  12 Responses to “Oakland Strikes!”

  1. It was heartening to watch the protesters taking over Oakland last night. Bless them all. The businessmen of ChinaTown refused to close their businesses for even one day though.

    IMHO,  those black-garbed thugs were sent by the Kochs.  All expenses paid of course!

  2. Once the violence started, it’s harder to suppress – the movement was fine until the late night in Oakland – in fact in many ways demonstrating how powerful they can be – here in NYC the cops are itching to fight us, but so far reason has prevailed and laws obeyed even if the laws have been “changed” and directed by the Mayor to make it less tolerable – it’s a strong movement and one that will survive much at this point since it is known that it is peaceful and logical!

  3. It is a very old tactic to plant  thugs who will  be  violent , disruptive-  And blame the violence on genuine protesters ; They will instigate retaliation by authorities who are itching for any excuse .  These are , of course crimes ; :  It is most important that non-violence be maintained. Those who oppose the movement will   more and more  provoke violence ; It must be remembered that the  “others” are well financed and very well trained—They know exactly how to change the tone of a movement into that of a “mob”..– Expect it.

  4. I was there yesterday at 4:00 – 6:00.  It was very organized, peaceful and educational.

    I walked from 20th and Broadway to the Port.

    The Oakland Police were very respectful and kept their distance.

    There were 3 waves of people.  I cannot speak to the violence and who those people were.

    They were definitely a minute exception to the men, women, children and dogs that walked along with me.

    Who knows who they were, what their purpose was and if they were sent by some group with another agenda.

    It was very encouraging to see people ready to show their disdain and disgust for the 1% and the Congress and Lobbyist’s that represent the 1%.  (I am sure that the 1% that feel that they are not taxed enough can send a contribution to school, daycare center, police / firemen pension etc.)

    It is time to give back and re-build The United States of America!

    Keep it going America and the rest of the World!




    • Welcome, Alisa! 🙂

      Thank you very much for your report, and thank you more for taking part in the demonstration.

      Kudos to you and the rest.

  5. I was amused by the Cain quote at the beginning of the first Olbermann video — “. . . stupid people are ruining america . . . “.  He ought to know!  He has repeatedly demonstrated his stupidity on just about everything — US political process and foreign affairs to name two.  And he thinks he is qualified to be POTUS?  By the sounds of it, this crazy Canuck (me) knows more about the American political system (thanks to TomCat) than Cain, and I’m still learning.

    I was pleased to see the general strike going quite well in Oakland and the news that it will likely spread to other cities across the country.  It is too bad that the black bloc showed up but I tend to agree with TomCat that these were likely provocateurs hired by the Koch Devils or the banksters.  Vancouver had their own run ins with the black bloc in June as they incited beer filled, testosterone fueled I  young men to do a lot of damage.hope they catch them and can prove who sent them in.  Don’t know if that would be classified as criminal conspiracy but I hope that the provocateurs and their sponsors can be charged, convicted and do time and pay reparations for the damage done.

  6. I’m tickled pinko that Keith mentioned my Union, SEIU, as a supporter of OWS Oakland!:)

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