Oct 072011

Yesterday  I got up early.  First I went through a backlog of almost 400 email items.  Then I attacked a pile of paperwork do seep that, somewhere near the bottom, I found junk mail from a guy named Noah who wanted donations to build a boat.  Then I tried to get some sleep, but as soon as I lay down,  helicopters showed up overhead and stayed there for several hours.  I feel exhausted.  I’m current on replies.  Today I have errands to run, but mostly I’ll try to rest.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:01 (average 4:37).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Houston Chronicle: Talk about your Monday from hell. Not only did Bridgett Nickerson Boyd’s car break down on her way to work, but when she pulled over to the side of the freeway, a sheriff’s deputy named Mark Goad pulled behind her, wrote her a ticket for driving on the shoulder, decided to arrest her, followed her to the hospital when her suddenly racing heart prompted a call to paramedics, then took her into custody again after she was treated by doctors and finally drove her to jail.

To make matters worse, Boyd claims in a lawsuit that the handcuffs were put on her wrists painfully tight and that she was forced to listen to conservative broadcaster Rush Limbaugh "make derogatory comments about black people" all the way to the jail. Boyd is African-American.

That certainly meets the definition for torture in my book!

From Think Progress: Faced with their worst budget crises since the Great Depression, states, and cities have resorted to increasingly desperate measures to cut costs. State and local governments have laid off teachers, slashed Medicaid funding, and even started unpaving roads and turning off streetlights.

But perhaps the most shocking idea to save money is being debated right now by the City Council of Topeka, Kansas. The city could repeal an ordinance banning domestic violence because some say the cost of prosecuting those cases is just too high.

This defines the importance that Republicans place on women’s rights.

From Alternet: This October marks the 20th anniversary of the infamous confirmation hearings of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, in which he almost didn’t make it to the high court due to allegations that he’d sexually harassed Anita Hill at the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. House Democrats would apparently like to commemorate this event by subjecting Thomas to a new round of hearings on the Hill. On the steps of the Supreme Court this morning, Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR), Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-NY) and others held a press conference calling on the House Judiciary Committee to hold hearings investigating some of Thomas’s alleged ethical lapses.

This will not happen, because House Republicans celebrate Thomas’ abuse of power on their behalf, but it is good that that their blocking it will be an issue.




  9 Responses to “Open Thread–10/7/2011”

  1. 4:46

    A perfect exampe of Texas justice! Only a fool would vote for Perry for any office.

    I still believe Anita Hill told the truth and Thomas lied.

  2. 3:56  The average is now up to 5:05.  You were more than 2 minutes under.  Great solve, TomCat.  I am 90 out of 280 (321).

  3. Yup, Rush Limbaugh.  Having to listen to that bombastic bag of gas certainly contitutes cruel and unusual treatment — oh wait a moment!  Unfortunately there are many who listen to him so I guess it isn’t unusual treatment.  Cruel, yes!  Unusual, no.  Ok, it fits the definition of torture!

    And what the hell is Topeka thinking of?  Is this likely to create a spike in attempted murder or murder cases.  Since every citizen has the right to bear arms, are some of the more severely abused going to resort to using guns to defend themselves?  I guess then there would be investigation and trial money available!  Mind you, by then, a whole lot of lives have been ruined.  Although probably 99% of the domestic abuse is man against woman, what about the odd woman against man?  Will they too be ignored?  If Topeka is decriminalising domestic abuse, what other resources will be made available to the victims and at what price?  Give your heads a shake Topeka!

    “House Democrats . . . by subjecting Thomas to a new round of hearings on the Hill.  . . .  Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR), Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-NY) . . . calling on the House Judiciary Committee to hold hearings investigating some of Thomas’s alleged ethical lapses.”  When there have been so many blatant lies told ie around his wife’s income, there must be an easier way than impeachment to get rid of such obvious betrayers of the legal system.  No one ishould be, or perceived to be, above the law.

    Good cartoon!  Only one problem, you’ll need a magnifine glass a damn sight bigger and stronger to find a GOP candidate that even comes close to being considered ‘worthy’ of running.

    • Yep!

      My only explanation for the insanity in Topeka is that Republicans run it.

      I agree, but Republicans won’t allow it.


  4. 3:56, a personal best.  Why don’t the Republicans run Eddie Murphy?  At least he’s funny on purpose.

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