Oct 052011

The incident that put the OWS demonstrators on the map and broadened their support was their non-violent response to brutality by police supervisors.  Had they responded with violence, the demonstration would have degenerated into a riot, and they would not have received the support, that is now growing daily, from working people and especially from Unions.  I’m also pleased that I just heard on the news that the Democrats in the Congressional Progressive Caucus, have openly declared support for the demonstrators.  Let’s look at some of the details.

5bussesThis is encouraging news. It looks like the unions who have promised to support Occupy Wall Street are going to do more than march — the TWU is doing whatever they can to obstruct a police crackdown on protestors. There will be a massive march Wednesday with participating unions and Moveon.org taking part in the event:

In support of the ongoing "Occupy Wall Street" protest, the Transport Workers Union is going to court to stop its drivers from being required to transport arrested demonstrators.

Local 100 is seeking a restraining order against the police department and the Metropolitan Transportation Authority.

Union leaders say drivers’ rights were violated when they were forced to bus arrested demonstrators from the Brooklyn Bridge on Saturday.

They also say the NYPD commandeered several MTA buses, and in at least one case, passengers were booted from the bus so demonstrators could be loaded up.

"Our operators are not there to transport folks that are arrested, particularly innocent folks that are arrested. That’s particularly appalling to Local 100," said John Samuelsen, president of Local 100.

In response, MTA officials said the authority has a long history of cooperating with the police department and other law enforcement agencies when they have transportation needs.

… [emphasis original]

Inserted from <Crooks and Liars>

Here’s more:


I’ve also heard buzz of a potential strike, but cannot confirm it.

Even Fox, the Republican Ministry of Propaganda, has finally admitted that the demonstrations exist, but in their normal unfair and unbalanced approach, they just mock the demonstrators, as Ed Schultz explains.

Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Ed continues that Romney calls them dangerous, but Bernie Sanders makes it all clear.

Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

As usual, Bernie is spot on!

If the demonstrators maintain their nonviolent stance, this has the potential to grow deom demonstration to movement.


  20 Responses to “More support for Wall Street demonstrators”

  1. Daily Kos has put together an interactive map (picture below is just how it appears – this one is NOT interactive) showing locations and details of events in diiferent cities around the country: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2011/10/04/1022722/-Occupy-Wall-Street:-List-and-map-of-over-200-US-solidarity-events-and-Facebook%C2%A0pages?detail=hide

  2. Thanks TomCat and so whats in a name – I’ll be joining the Wall St protests today with many others – it’s supposed to be the largest demonstration yet! I expect thousands – maybe 10’s of thousands will descend upon that pit of hell today – this administration is  as complicit in the outrageous designs that Wall St has brought upon the 1% – which is why I am holding my nose at O’s whoredom to the regimes of the 2 party system! I’m sure democrats are slightly better than the stinking pile of s**t that the other party represents, but only Sanders seems to vocalize the truth of the situation!!  Personally I doubt that it’ll make a bit of difference to the operations of greed in this country – its endemic and a cancer in the country – we’ll see —- I have lost hope and become more cynical with each passing day =  I don’t even know if not taking a more violent approach is better or not – I don’t care!!!

    • Lee, every word you said was right out of my mouth! I’ve been saying the exact same things for a while now, about the cynicism and Obama whoring for Wall Street and turning out to be anything but what he presented himself as when we worked so hard to elect him because we believed his soaring rhetoric. And like you, I’m frustrated and have little hope because O was SUPPOSED to be the savior of our democracy. So when the only alternative (realistically in this system) is the steaming pile of shit republiscum…. there’s not much hope.

      But the Wisconsin protests and now this one… give me a little bit of hope. Progressives need to get a fire in their belly like teabbaggers had. Just think of how effective we COULD be if we harnessed momentum the way the teabaggers did, considering we as a grouping have boatloads more intelligence and understanding of what’s actually going on in DC and in boardrooms.

      • Welcome, Mac. 🙂

        Except for the violence I agree with Lee too.  As I see it, the Democratic Party can be reformed as we are doing here in Oregon.  The Republican Party is beyond redemption.  Remember, this started when Wisconsin Democrats protested.

    • Lee, kudos for going to join the demonstration, but I suggest you consider therapy for anger management.  Violence, my friend, will have two effects.  Demonstrators will be injured, perhaps killed.  The movement will be discredited, just as the police supervisors were discredited when their violence was exposed.  To consider it indicates a rage issue.

  3. They are only dangerous to the banksters and their ilk because they will all be exposed as the theives they are.

    Go protesters! I’m with you all the way. I just wish I could be there with you.

  4. Go Protesters! GO!! I wish I could be with you!!

    No violence– no riots—let the police show  what is really going on—- Ghandi led a movement of non-violence– MLK led a non- violent movement— these men- their movements for peace and justice- Non- violent — had results–

    Passive  resistance – without violence- works!!!

  5. SoINeedAName,
    WOW! That’s FABULOUS!!!

  6. Wish I could be there. I’ve signed about every support petition I can find on the web. Good for them. I’m glad some people are willing to put themselves on the line for justice. Momentum… we haz it.

  7. I remember a cheer from my highschool days seems so appropriate to what Mr Obama and the Democrats have to do —

    Push ’em back, push ’em back, Way back!

    Mr Obama has to keep hammering at the Republicans, and Bernie Sanders says as much.  He needs to take the ‘battle’ to the Republicans, and of course we know the Republicans are the dogs of the banksters.  Ben Bernanke admits that the greed and wrecklessness of Wall Street along with the failures of regulators were major reasons for the recession and the high unemployment .

    I heard a brief rumour that similar protests are percolating here in Canada and was looking for more information.I came across the following in the Globe and Mail.


    Anti-Wall Street protests take off thanks to a Canadian idea

    VANCOUVER— From Wednesday’s Globe and Mail PublishedTuesday, Oct. 04, 2011

    Several thousand kilometres from the heart of the growing anti-Wall Street protests in New York, Kalle Lasn says he is astounded that an idea he and a few others hatched in Vancouver is now expanding across North America and beyond.

    “Of course, we had some hopes and dreams, but we had no idea it would turn into a movement in the United States, then into Canada, and become global,” said Mr. Lasn, co-editor of the influential, Vancouver-based, anti-consumer publication Adbusters, which first called for a people’s occupation of Wall Street.

    . . .

    “I was scared the loony left would take over again, and the whole thing would fizzle into nothing. But real, substantial people are turning up, people with a bit of backbone,” said Mr. Lasn, who describes himself as being old enough to remember the sixties.

    “They are starting to have the same sort of chutzpah that the Tea Party has. That’s what the political left sorely needs.”


    Later in the article, he mentions that the Occupy Wall Street really took off in the US because conditions are far worse and people need and want change.  But there are 2 planning sessions lined up for Canada — one in Vancouver and one in Toronto in the coming weeks.

    When 1% of the population owns more than 20% of the wealth, and millionaires’ incomes have gone viral while everyday people like us have seen their incomes stay flat or go down because of unemployment or underemployment, there will be a big problem and we’re seeing that now with OWS.  Interesting to note is that the last time the 1% owned more than 20% of the wealth was 1928 just before the depression.  I’m not saying that will happen, just a simple observation from the graphics on The Ed Show.

  8. Mahatma Gandhi said

    “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”

    I would say that the protest is entering the “then they fight you” stage. Stay focused, say cool.


    • Welcome Wayne. 🙂

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