Obama Calls Cantor Out

 Posted by at 12:23 am  Politics
Oct 052011

Barack Obama finally called out a Republican by name for obstructing the American Jobs Act.  While that bill is far from perfect, it will help the economy while providing some much needed relief to poor and middle class Americans.  All of the spending in the bill has been supported by Republicans in the past, so their only real objection is that it cuts welfare for millionaires, billionaires and corporate criminals.

5ObamaPresident Obama on Tuesday campaigned for his jobs bill and collected political contributions in the home state of Gov. Rick Perry and the Congressional district of a Republican House leader, and he did not shy away from telling affluent donors that they and the state’s oil companies should pay more in taxes for the nation’s good.

At two luncheon fund-raisers and then at a community college, Mr. Obama was unbowed in continuing to challenge Congress to “pass this bill,” even though the Senate Republican leader, Senator Mitch McConnell, that morning had moved to call his bluff by demanding that the Senate Democratic majority leader, Harry Reid, bring the measure to an immediate vote.

Mr. Reid refused, dismissing Mr. McConnell’s move as a “political stunt” and saying the Senate would first finish with bills to pressure China to devalue its currents [sic] and to approve three free-trade agreements….

…Mr. Obama did not mention either Mr. Perry or Representative Jeb Hensarling, a conservative House leader who represents Mesquite. But he recalled that he recently traveled to an aging bridge connecting Ohio, the state of Speaker John A. Boehner, a Republican, to Kentucky, Mr. McConnell’s state, to underscore the need for the sort of job-creating repairs of the nation’s bridges, roads and schools, including Eastfield College.

And Mr. Obama notably singled out the House majority leader, Eric Cantor, Republican of Virginia, for saying on Monday that he would not bring the president’s job-creation package to a vote — eliciting boos from the audience.

“Do they not have the time? They just took the week off,” Mr. Obama said mockingly. He challenged Mr. Cantor to come to Dallas and explain his opposition, including to the laid-off elementary school teacher, Kim Russell, who introduced Mr. Obama at the college. “Tell her why she doesn’t deserve to be back in the classroom doing what she loves, helping our kids,” he said… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <NY Times>

Chris Hayes and Alex Wagner have more.

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That Republicans are greedy hypocrites is nothing new.  Sadly neither is the inability of the Nevada Leg Hound, Harry Reid (see below), to unite his caucus.  IF LBJ were back in that job he would use the power of that position to twist recalcitrant arms and get it done.  But Reid just humps Republican legs whining for votes to replace those of two or three DINOs, rolls over and plays dead.  Whether or not Democrats retain a majority, we need a new party leader in the Senate, a Democrat that has a spine.



  14 Responses to “Obama Calls Cantor Out”

  1. Thanks for. this post! To heartburn the Republicans tell it you would think senate Dwmocrats oppose the nulo. Context matters!

  2. Since Cantor clearly loathes the average American citizen, I personally find it quite easy to loathe the little twit right back.


    • Great picture. It shows his real face (sneering at his constituents).

    • Love this picture of the little worm! 

      Hey TomCat, this would be a good cartoon picture — draw some sharp pointy fangs (you could even have them dripping blood as in the life blood of the American people), and maybe some curvey little horns.  I’d buy a dozen and send one to him for his autograph!

    • Dang Nameless!!!  Who’s going to clean the barf off of my notebook? 😯

  3. Cantor is a little weasel.

    The President needs to call out each and every one of the obstructionists.

  4. Little , sneering weasel– Can’t top that !!

    The more Obama directly confronts the bullies– the more effective he seems to be– So, GO !! Mr President!!

  5. Cantor is a disgrace to the entire nation. Virginia voters would do the country a huge favor by throwing him out of office next year! That bastard is an absolute waste of taxpayer money!

  6. Cantor has already said that the Jobs Bill is DOA and won’t come to a vote in the House.  So why would McConnell tell Harry Reid to bring it to a vote in the Senate if he weren’t just playing games?  At first I thought Harry Reid and the President weren’t even on the same page, but after thinking about it, I think Harry was right to call McConnell on it.  This gives him a little more time to get his Democrats in line before going into a scrum with the Republiscum.  It also helps to put the onus back on the Little Worm, Cantor.

    I like the fight I’m seeing in Obama, I just hope it is not too late.  This apparent new found backbone should keep the Republicans off balance for a day or two wondering what will happen next.

    From The NY Times — The trip was the latest example of the president’s new strategy of confronting Republicans directly after nearly a year in which they have blocked his efforts to raise more revenues from the wealthy and corporations, both to reduce long-term deficits and, in the short term, to offset the cost of additional spending and tax cuts to spur the economy.

    Mr Obama — “This is not about giving Democrats or Republicans a win. This is about giving people who are hurting a win. This is about giving small-business owners a win, and entrepreneurs a win, and students a win, and working families a win. This is about giving America a win.”

    Calling them out — you bet and by name.  If that is what it takes for people to see what their representative morons in Washington are doing (or not doing!), then go for it.

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