Oct 052011

The Republican party has no qualms about making cuts to increase hunger, deprive the poor of medical care, convert Social Security to a voucher program, replace Medicare coverage with a coupon, allow the elderly to go without heat, decrease the safety of of our food, allow our infrastructure to crumble and more.  But when it comes to propagating hatred, bigotry takes precedence over budget, so they want to triple the spending for that.

5DOMAHouse Democrats are slamming one of the most outrageous examples of misplaced priorities you could imagine:

House Democrats are condemning a Republican-sanctioned $1 million spending increase to defend the Defense of Marriage Act.

In a statement Tuesday, Reps. Robert Brady (D-Pa.), Charles Gonzalez (D-Texas) and Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.) criticized their GOP colleagues for increasing the contract with the lawyer hired to defend DOMA from $500,000 to $1.5 million.

In May, Bancroft PLLC lawyer Paul Clement was hired to represent Congress in defense of DOMA, which bars the federal government from recognizing same-sex marriages.

There’s never any excuse for the kind of bigotry inherent in what House Republicans are doing, but the fact they are increasing spending on such a misguided effort at the same time that they are trying to cut even more spending on critical services adds to the outrage… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Daily Kos>

Given all the good and necessary programs that Republicans want to slash, to spend more money trying to enforce their hatred of LGBT Americans is the epitome of shameful hypocrisy.


  10 Responses to “House Republicans want to triple budget for hate”

  1. There’s a big group of complicit dems in this country that agree with these bigots in the gov’t. – as well as those in the city who charge outrageous rents and multiply them every new lease! So while it’s obvious that the entire republican party is bigoted and greedy, the dems have their own contingency – similar to reid – who haven’t an inkling of what’s going on in this country – and in gov’t are laying down for their $tuds that put them in office

  2. Their priorities seem to be regulating morals.

    We ALL know how moral they are!

  3. And in a related matter:

    No one would be surprised to learn that there are right-wing Christians in this country who disapprove of homosexuality.  Neither would it come as a surprise  that in rural parts of this country, Christianity and homosexuality when brought together, can create a highly combustible mix.

    But who could imagine the hate and rage that would motivate a Pastor to instruct deacons and members of his congregation, Grace Fellowship Church in Fruitland, TN. to physically attack a couple arriving in the church parking lot last Wednesday?

    The fact that one of the gay men attacked happened to be the Pastor’s own son, Jerry Pittman, Jr., no doubt contributed to Pittman senior’s noxious edict.  According to Pittman Jr., after hearing his Dad yell, “SICK’EM!:”


    That truly sounds like a church overflowing with “grace” and “fellowship” … of the Talibangelical christianist variety!

  4. Pretty simple really– they court the votes of the religious fundamentalists who have so distorted the Message of Jesus , that of love , forgiveness , peace— and made it all about hate and intolerance ;

    Would be nice if the 2012 election concerns the real problems , like jobs , housing , food–  basic stuff– instead of how adults live their life , who they love , and about  women and our bodies-

    I have little hope of that tho– The agents of Hate are in charge it seems– the only thing that might make some difference for the future is limited terms in office— I have scant hope for that tho–

  5. $1 Million added to the already existing $500,000 spent for a lawyer to fight in support DOMA?  Which horse’s ass decided that in this time of slashing budgets that this was a good expense?  How about getting your priorities straight!

    Dear Mr Cantor and Mr Boehner,

    Gentlemen, your Representatives are in the midst of slashing budgets and you have the unmitigated gall to budget an additional $1 Million to fight in support of DOMA?   I fail to understand your logic!  Your lack of sense for priorities is beyond belief.  If you were my employees, you would be fired for gross incompetence.

    Or is this just another of your diversionary tactics so that you can start finger pointing yet again?  The American people want answers and solutions to everyday problems like unemployment, education, unfair taxation, law and order, and housing.  And you want to work on DOMA?  While in terms of total dollars in the budget it may not be all that big, but it does represent a thinking that you know, or ought to know to be divisive in the House and of little relative importance to the general population.

    Gentlemen, give your heads a shake and get to work doing the things that need to be done to get the the country firmly on its feet like the jobs bill, education and fair taxation for all Americans before someone hands you your balls on a platter.

    Yours respectfully

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