Even DINOs are right at times

 Posted by at 12:02 am  Politics
Sep 242011

Please don’t misundertake me. ;-)  I am no supporter of Mary Landrieu.  She is a DINO, bought and paid for by big oil.  She has goose-stepped with the Republicans more often than not.  She deserves no votes, funding or support.  This one time, however, she is right.  A stopped clock is right twice a day, and even DINOs are right at times and actually show up lying Republican hypocrites.

24Mary_LandrieuHouse Oversight Committee chair Rep. Darrell Issa’s (R-CA) investigation of clean energy loan programs was undercut this week by a revelation, first reported by Bloomberg, that he had also requested money from the same program for companies in his district. A follow-up story by ThinkProgress found that an investor to the firm Issa had asked to subsidize had donated several times to Issa, including a check just shortly before Issa sent his letter to Secretary Chu.

Today on the Senate floor, Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA) mocked Issa’s hypocrisy. She carried with her copies of the letters signed by Issa, as well as other letters by Republicans asking for money for the clean energy program they had just voted to cut, and read them into the Congressional Record

…Watch it:


22IssaEarlier this week, Republicans tried to make hay out of the Solyndra controversy by taking an axe to clean energy programs. Landrieu made short work out of the GOP’s shameful gimmick.

Landrieu continued tearing into Republican hypocrisy. She noted that the cuts were purely political because the supposed offsets for FEMA only required $175 million, not $1 billion. She then continued to read Republican letters asking for clean energy loan cash, including yet another one signed by Issa (asking for money for battery-maker Quallion LLC)… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Think Progress>

For these Republicans to demonize the very programs they lionize, when they are grubbing for money for their districts, and to condemn the very programs that they use to tell constituents at home how much good they have done, is the epitome of hypocrisy.


  11 Responses to “Even DINOs are right at times”

  1. And all of this is not politics in what way? Landrieu is covering her own ass by bringing out the ones who are just a blatantly hypocritical as she is. Something has to be done about the entire money to politicians issue. Until there is no more Citizens United or anything like it …not one penny goes from my pocket to theirs. If I had a congressional vote not one penny of taxes would go to any district project not approved by the OMB…let them cherry pick who gets what. That would add billions back to the budget.

  2. Darrell Issa, the richest person in Congress, has proven himself to be a slimeball, what with his gun conviction, three allegations of car theft, an arson allegation, an allegation that he dismissed an employee while brandishing a gun, and multiple mysteries about his how he made his money.

    Fortunately, there’s an entire site run by Courage Campaign that is dedicated to keeping an eye on this scumbag’s shenanigans: http://issaexposed.couragecampaign.org/

  3. Scum floats on the surface– no matter how much it tries to hide-

  4. We need this every day from democrats.  Exposing republican lies in the House and Senate.

  5. Issa was stripped naked before the Senate!  I wonder how he will cover his assets.  Another example of Republican speak ‘Do as I say, not as I do.’

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