Yesterday, I learned Ben Meiselas (and of course his family) had to be evacuated from Los Angeles. He posted a roughly 16 minute rant about how right wing lies interfere with the capability of first responders to respond – in addition to all the other results of lies, none of which are good. Barbara Lee sent an email that she is opofficially running to be mayor of Oakland, CA. Robyn Pennachia at Wonkette ranted about a white man who claimed that on 1983 he could not get a job as a firefighter because he was white. She debunks that, but doesn’t address the fact that when he graduated at 19 his GPS was 1.7. Even on a 4-iscale, that is underwater (below “C” level.) But also, when I graduated from high school at 16 California high schools were using a 5 point scale, on which a 1.7 would be under a D average. I wouldn’t have hired him for anything, ever. Also, it was cold in my house. Overnight, high winds managed to blow open my back door. Even without wind I have to stuff something between the door and the jamb to keep it shut, and the wind had blown away the felt I had in there. I had to use some cardboard instead, and it’s thick enough to leave a crack between the door and the jamb, but it has warmed up some anyway.
Also yesterday, the Supreme Court denied Trump** a stay of his sentencing. As you read this, he will likely have been sentenced already.
The F* News complains (with reason) that the MSM is not giving us the background information and implications of Trump**’s greed to annex other nations (allied nations). So this article goes deeper into what his ideas could result in. Y’all are intelligent and could probably work it out, but this may at least save some time. And there are a few additional topics as well.
I’m reusing an older cartoon because it just fits with this Wonkette story. I have no Constitutional problem with people wanting to send their children to private schools (I do have a problem with how that affects our national security, but freedom of choice is also important.) Just not on my dime. If I have to pay for their children’s learning (and failurses therof), where’s my freedom? Where’s my choice?