Something ugly has risen its head in American Politics. The New Apostolic Reformation Movement, sometimes called Dominionists, want to reinvent America as a theocracy in which they, as God’s appointed representatives, control the intimate details of daily life from the largest corporate board room to the tiniest private bedroom. They have been around for a while, but nobody has given them heed, because they warranted none, until now. Now they have an anointed holy prophet in the person of soon to be candidate, Rick Perry.
Texas Governor Rick Perry’s prayer event “The Response last weekend raised plenty of eyebrows for coming on the heels of much presidential speculation, and for featuring a number of pastors with some controversial views. On her program tonight, Rachel Maddow tried to find the common thread among these pastors, and she argues it is not that they have all “just had a moment where they said something that sounded strange.” They are members of the New Apostolic Reformation, she argued: a small religious group plotting world domination.
Maddow noted that for Perry to have invited many of the characters that appeared at his event was enough of a threat to any potential campaign– not because of the prayer itself, but “the risk for his President campaign was… that the particular stadium prayer event he held was with these guys.”… [emphasis added]
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Rachel Maddow has done the most superior job of documenting these Dominionists that I have seen. She did so last night in two segments. In the first, Rachel explained in detail who they are and why Perry waited until next weekend to announce.
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They are a threat to our way of life, and Perry waited to avoid close MSM scrutiny of his fanatical handlers. It’s easy to see why.
In the second, Rachel discussed New Apostolic political ambitions with staff writer Forrest Wilder.
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Perry succeeded. As he moves toward his announcement, most of America remains ignorant of the extreme danger this man represent. Worse yet, he is so off the deep end that he is sure to attract the support of the InsaniTEA wing of the Republican Party.
In closing, please understand that these are not authentic Christians. Among other qualities, authentic Christians have no need to shove their beliefs down the throats of others. They respect the beliefs of others and desire to coexist in peace with them. They have an abiding concern for the poor. They recognize that church (render unto God) and state (render unto Caesar) are separate. They have no Machiavellian plans. Please do not blame authentic Christians for anti-gospel of hate, bigotry, and greed of Republican supply-side pseudo-Christians.
33 Responses to “Prophet Perry’s Pseudo-Christian Conspirators”
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In a land that spends so much time and money by so many people deriding the way other nations choose to govern themselves, and use a law they complain is brutal and not democratic, it certainly seems that those radical Christian Wahhabi among us would have no problem sending duped and illogical thinking youth out to destroy with bomb, bullet and, gun anything they do not agree with. I can see required prayer in school and mandatory church attendance if these people capture their seven mountains under a Perry government.
Yet what bothers me is not that there is a radical fringe of organized self proclaimed apostles and prophets, there have always been them since before the time of the resurrection. What I find most appalling of all is that there are always going to be some numbering from the thousands to the millions who will believe in this foolishness and ignorantly allow through lack of awareness and study of the issue before them who let this happen simply because it is easier to be told there is a snake in the back yard than to go and look for yourself.
The whole idea here is to have an American Wahhabi, it may be framed in the words of christianity, but it is no less evil and no less willing to start a civil war or fire anywhere it furthers their goal of wealth acquisition and dominance over the herd.
I would rather die a free man who thinks for himself than live a coward who allows another to tell me how to believe. While Perry may have a broad appeal to the evangelical vote I doubt he could carry the independent or the last of the centrist vote. I have greater trepidation over Romney getting the nod because he has a proven track record of love of money before love of America,
“I can see required prayer in school and mandatory church attendance if these people capture their seven mountains under a Perry government.”
And they’re quite open about these goals at times. I don’t think many Americans realize that NAR dominionist exist in the numbers they do, but they ignore this troubling movement at their peril.
Ahab, I agree. They have effectively infiltrated most charismatic and many evangelical congregations.
Mark, you’re absolutely right here.
All the whackos are now running for the RepublicanT nomination.
Nobody else can satisfy the rabid base they welcomed in.
With Christians thinking we are in ‘end times’ they should beware of false PROFITS!!!!
Magnificent entendre!
Here are just some of the loony ideas of Perry’s wacky religious friends:
♦ The Statue of Liberty is a “demonic idol”
♦ Oprah is the Anti-Christ
♦ 9/11 attacks & Hurricane Katrina were “God’s punishment”
♦ Hitler was a “homosexual” and we all know about homosexuals: “They’re intolerant, they’re hateful, they’re vile, they’re spiteful”
♦ Remember that whale at Sea World that killed its trainer a year ago? They think it should be “Ritually stoned to death”
♦ They think our government is developing microchips to embed in all citizens for “mind control
“Next time I tell you someone from Texas should not be president of the United States … please pay attention.”
– Molly Ivins.
Thanks Nameless. Molly knew her stuff.
I really miss Molly Ivins.
Me too!
I watched Perry’s rally, and the NAR undercurrent was surprisingly strong in the rhetoric I heard. Although speakers eased up on the homophobic rhetoric that usually characterizes the movement (with the exception of Mike Bickle), there was plenty of anti-abortion and “Christian nation” rhetoric. The ecstatic worship and use of intercessory prayer are both beloved NAR practices. To people familiar with the movement, the Response had NAR fingerprints all over it.
Over and over again, I heard words to the effect that today’s problems are so insurmountable that humans cannot devise solutions for them, and must therefore look to God for answers. At first, I thought this was an abnegation of responsibility for today’s challenges, as if the people who said this expected God to magicaly fix everything. Upon reflection, however, I realized that this might well be a call to inject fundamentalism into the country’s responses to today’s crises — and that is a scary thought.
Ahab, you must have a very strong stomach.
Perry has repeated that frequently, and I have no doubt that his intent is establish a Theocracy.
One more thing — one of the most concise sources of information on the NAR I’ve found is Talk to Action at I definitely recommend reading some of their essays.
Although he wasn’t at the Response, Lou Engle is a particularly startling NAR preacher. Google his name and prepare for some hair-raising rhetoric.
Talk2Action has been on top of this for years. Many there are church officials in their own right, speaking out against steeple_jacking by this group using classical subversion against many Christian groups. Rick Perry is not the only politician these folks have in their pocket. Sara Palin’s anointing by them has been all over You Tube, and they count Mike Huckabee and Ron Paul as their own as well. (Many Libertarians would be very upset if they knew but they have not looked closely).
You are correct Tom that these are not Jesus’s Golden Rule type Christians, as their Jesus is more about swords than plowshares, but just as a Wren thinks the Cuckoo in it’s nest is the very best Wren ever and has no Idea of the Cuckoo’s actual agenda, so it has been with these folks for many years.
These are not Christians ; They are the Taliban with a different label— make no mistake— They are Evil to the heart ; “Evil done in God’s name is still evil ”
They are more frightening then any other so called ‘movement ‘ out there—
Phyllis, my point exactly.
The Domionists are as Christian as the Taliban is Muslim or Pol Pot as Communist. There are such variants in many grand ideologies. Like the Cuckoo they camouflage as “Fundamentalists” and most sincere and intense of their chosen Host. But the result they seek will most look like Kmer Rouge Cambodia, pastoral “bliss” of ignorant peasants tilling among the bones of anyone who did not wholly agree. There are such cuckoos among Hindu, and Buddhists as well as others like the Moonies who make such claims to Christianity as only they believe.
They are all well aware that their agenda would be ill received among their hosts, and why they camouflage. They expect the few who are outed as written off as crazy, even as they build power to their brethren most pious until they have power enough to declare themselves.
When attacked they use their “piety” as a shield and claim the attack as against all their hosts, and thus sew bigotry on all sides as that gives them more power no matter who’s bigotry is increased. That was the point of 9\11 and they accomplished their goal well.
The only real defense is to be rooted out by their hosts (as Talk2Action has done) and for that they cannot be written off lightly. The infection needs to be addressed, and on specific grounds in every Church that such claims of piety cannot be a defense. Our own Congressman Daniel Webster (sic) is just such a cuckoo, and more dangerous than Rick Perry as he is still operating below the radar, and howling at his opposition as Unchristian and gathering a great many who would be similarly appalled at his real agenda.
I agree. The one difference is that, except for Pol Pot’s past example, they are the only ones who could take charge, and the place is here.
Perry is Bush’s demented bastard child—Molly Irvin was so right
I will ask you– What is the difference ; Christian Taliban , or Islamic Taliban –? and before you go into long thought out answers— It is very simple ….
I don’t know either-
Phyllis, there is none, except for the religion they choose to abuse.
Tom, I agree. Any person or group who believes they have been appointed by God to rule the world is a frightening prospect, as is anyone who professes to have regular conversations with a deity (Ms. Bachman?). I’ll bet good money we’re looking at 2012 Rep. presidential nominee, solely because the field is so weak.
For anyone interested in Perry’s history, politics, religion, and effect on the state of Texas (longest-serving Governor in the HISTORY of the U.S.), Paul Burka is a well-respected long-time columnist for Texas Monthly magazine and has been following Perry for over a decade. His insightful and entertaining blog is at:
Thanks, Ann. That looks like a good resource.
Tom, I have to disagree with you on a critical point: You state, ” Among other qualities, authentic Christians have no need to shove their beliefs down the throats of others.”
Wrong, it is a core belief of Christians that it is their DUTY to spread the word of Jesus, as witnessed by the missionary phenomenon — how do you think Christianity spread worldwide to such disparate locations as Africa and China — Christian missionaries.
I do get your larger point and agree that religious zealots of Perry’s stripe are not representative of the mainstream Christian populace.
Ann, there are many ways for Christians to spread belief. The way I choose is to try to live in a way that reflects what Jesus taught, without hiding my faith. Jesus gives a clear examples that he honored people with other faiths. Because of this, I believe that God honors authentic faith, regardless of its source. Now, if I can set a Christian example, and is God wants someone to believe, he is certainly capable of doing the convincing without me having to shove it down their throat.
In this day and age there is no room for the christian missionary movement – except in the bedroom – if so inclined! I was very upset when they placed “under god” in the pledge – I prefer being on top! Homosexuality in the 3rd reich was grossly over-rated –
I am grossed out by the dogmatic myths that consume societies everywhere and am inclined to believe they are all related to violence or its justification to some extent – this country’s insistence on a judeo-christian obsession is no less extreme than the several islamic nations – each of these myths have extremists within them – it’s an almost foregone conclusion when each of the myths claims to be the only way to “salvation” – and within each myth is a group of folks who interpret their sacred myth books differently – to their own advantage and to absolve themselves from the guilt that they perpetrate in “myth’s name” – this country is one of the most religiously influenced of any in the world, with the exception of a few in the Middle East – that’s just a fact – a nauseating fact, but a fact nevertheless.
Perry’s movement is a dangerous one, but even the watered down versions that create the “group thought” of the “masses” is intimidating and worrisome! The forefathers were very much aware of this problem – my own ancestors were Mayflower people who fled religious persecution in England – (how soon we forget!) thus the insistence of separation of church and state – which this country never upheld. While I accept what people do for religious practice in their own homes (churches should be TAXED!!!!!!!!) or how they practice their sex lives between consenting adults, these are of grave concern when brought into governmental practice – weird or not – keep it out of government!!!! I’m all for peaceful co-existence, but really!
The muslim kneeling in the streets of NY on a “prayer mat” is as offensive to me as the evangelicals screaming their god-vitriol a few blocks away! There should be laws that demand silence of myth in public!
Lee, I hate to say this, but your intolerance of people of faith is every bit as intolerant and bigoted as the most rabid Republican supply-side pseudo Christian. The first Amendment guarantees the free practice of Religion. Whatever caused your bitterness, if you want others to coexist with your atheist faith, you need to show the same respect.
I think you misread me – my intolerance of people of faith is only expressed when the faith is in my face – there isn’t a need to express faith any more than there is for me to express my atheism – I will continue to express it when confronted – sorry if that offends you – I’m not at all intolerant of people’s faith when they trot off to their “faith spots” – I find the expression of faith to be offensive as you find my expressions of anti-faith, however I know of very few atheists responsible for war and violence!
Lee, one of the examples you gave is a Muslim praying in public. They pray five times a day, and cannot always be in a mosque when those times come. That does nothing to harm you in any way. I find nothing offensive about people who follow the atheist faith as you do. It’s your intolerance that I find offensive, along with your double standard that they have to “trot off top their faith spots” to express faith, but you get to shout your denials publicly. What I oppose is not faith, but extreme intolerance of others within any faith. For an example of extreme intolerance in the atheist faith, consider Robespierre and the reign of terror.
Excellent article, Tom. This guy is very scary as are the kooks who follow hime.
I don’t totally agree with AnnH. Maybe it’s just a matter of degrees, or maybe I’ve just been lucky, but I know a lot of Christians who think it’s “bad form” for a person to push their beliefs onto others. My Methodist minister cousin was very vocal about it.
Here’s a good piece that relates to this article from the Texas Observer.
And here’s an interesting little tidbit about Perry’s not so charitable giving.
Leslie, I agree, and thanks for the links. Of course Perry is a hypocrite.