Aug 092011

Yesterday I caught up on some much needed sleep, scheduled medical appointments, and did housework.  I slept through most of my early research time slot, so I’m running a bit behind this evening, but I am current with replies.  On today’s schedule, I have paperwork, and a discussion with a software developer about a pre-release plugin for the blog.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 2:56 (average 4:43).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Think Progress: On July 11, Melissa Jordan called 911 saying her husband — state Sen. Kris Jordan (R-OH) — was pushing her around and throwing things. Sen. Jordan was quick to trivialize his wife’s complaint and throw the blame on her, explaining “She got a little upset. Girls do that.

This is a perfect example of how Republican’s view women.

From Washington Post: Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) is expected to announce his presidential plans shortly after the Ames Straw Poll this coming weekend, and his supporters are already soliciting contributions for the campaign, according to an e-mail from a Perry supporter.

I think he’ll beat Mitt.

From Ground Report: This week, Koch funded tea bagger organizations rode into Wisconsin on the Tea Party Express III bus. Tea Party Nation founder Judson Phillips, writing on his website and speaking at tea bagger rallies, compared the grassroots citizens of Wisconsin that protested Governor Scott Walker’s union busting and educations slashing bills to Nazi “brownshirts”  and “storm troopers”.  In an article published this weekend, Mother Jones points out that another group on the Tea Bagger Express III tour, Patriot Action Network, called Wisconsin’s Service Employees International Union “Obama’s brownshirts”.

This bizzarre comparison between nurses and teachers that are peacefully protesting and fascist blackshirts and brownshirts has always been confusing to an English/History major like myself. The fact is, Nazism and Fascism are right-wing ideologies that have openly attacked socialists, unionists, and liberals. Much like the tea baggers that rode into Wisconsin this week on their brown bus. [emphasis added]

I guess Republicans can’t find enough local wing-nuts in Wisconsin to meet their needs.




  19 Responses to “Open Thread–8/9/2011”

  1. I wonder if them bused in from other states will be given temporary permanent citizenship with temporary permanent addresses so they can have temporary permanent government issued photo ID’s so they can vote today?

  2. A word of warning to Kris Jordan’s wife, Melissa: GET THE HELL AWAY FROM HIM … and PLEASE PRESS CHARGES!
    The transcript of her 911 call is pretty chilling: he’s been drinking, he’s got a gun out, he’s throwing/breaking things and he has a history of “pushing me [Melissa] around.” At some point, this will NOT end well.
    You can read the transcript of her call here:

  3. Oh, and that Tea Party Express bus mentioned here in “Open Thread” and shown in the video on the “How repubicans Crashed the Market”? Take a look at the link, they misspelled “September” as S-e-T-p-e-m-b-e-r (but have since corrected it)

  4. 4:224

    Please, everyone in Wisconsin, Cast your vote for the Democratic candidate in your district today!

  5. OOPS 4:24

  6. Press charges and run Melissa RUN! 😡 😡

    I don’t think he’ll beat Mitt – he appears to be the only sane one in the group and the 20% + 10% teabaggers can’t win an election with that. At least it’ll blow up Michelle’s ballown which will make me very, very happy not to hear any more crazy shit from that idiot. 😆

    The tea baggers have always been backwards on their thinking – and they never can seem to remember what they are for or against. The are just a bunch of dumasses. 🙄

    Good depiction of what their HQ looks like now! 😆

  7. 3:25 You are right. I am toast today. Tomorrow is a new day. I am 71 out of 221 (321).

  8. As per TomCat’s recommendation, I am submitting a link to a story I just posted that could be germane to the Standard & Poors controversy. You be the Judge:

    CNN, Please Clarify Erick Erickson’s Article; His Story Could Indicate S&P Engaged In Insider Trading

    Something doesn’t seem right here…


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