Aug 052011

Yesterday I rested as much as I could, given the heat.  My oxygen delivery was late cutting badly into my sleep time, but I am current on comments.  Today I have to go out for a vaccination, medicine, and staple foods.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 4:13 (average 5:28).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From My Fellow American: I received an email from these folks.  They are trying to counter the Republican hate campaign against American Muslims.

Click through.  They are worth checking out.

From CBS: Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has signed a pledge sponsored by the National Organization for Marriage promising to support a federal constitutional amendment "defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman."

That puts Mitt squarely on both sides of this issue toeo.

From MSNBC: Lawrence O’Donnell and Bernie Sanders discuss Democratic appointments to the Super Committee.

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

A cave-in on this committee would be far worse than the automatic cuts that occur on impasse.

Cartoon: This is NOT intended to be taken seriously.



  8 Responses to “Open Thread–8/5/2011”

  1. “Multiple Choice Mitt” has a put together a fun site documenting, in Mitt’s own words, TWENTY-ONE Flip Flops:

    That index finger of Mitt’s has got to be the most chapped phalange of any politician, from all the wetting and sticking it up in the wind he does.

  2. Wow this is great stuff! First and foremost – take care of your health – we need you around Tom! The cartoon may be a bit generalized – there should be some names! πŸ™‚ My inept cheap ‘puter is incapable of loading the puzzle, or O”Donnell, but it gave me the “fellowamerican” – thanks for sharing that, it’s very powerful and spot on! Living in Manhattan – we learn to coexist with everyone – if some were racist or biased before they come to this city, after a yr. or 2, that learning disability is corrected! I’m going to go to that site and share it! Thanks – hope it cools off soon!

    • Lee, the cartoon pushed the envelope as it is. Adding names would have been too extreme. I hear you about Manhattan. I used to live on East 8th St, between B and C.

  3. Some good news: The Democratic Party of Wisconsin has filed lawsuits in multiple jurisdicitons alleging that repubican Alberta Darling has colluded illegally (just wondering, can you collude legally?) with right-wing groups during the recall campaign and before, and has been involved in a coverup.
    More info and Links at:

  4. 4:15 Darn! Missed you by 2 seconds today! I am 70 out of 217 (323).

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