Aug 042011

Yesterday I went first to my denturist for adjustments.  I can chew now, but using these things will be a learning curve.  I had to cut corn off the cob. Sad smile  Then I went to the grocery store for prescriptions and denture supplies.  They did not have the medicine, so I have to go back Friday.  All-in-all, I walked almost three miles.  Between the heat, lack of sleep, and this, I’m pretty well wrung out, and need to take the day mostly off.  I’m up to day on replies, but this will be my only article.  Today I’m staying home for an oxygen delivery and resting.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:47 (average 4:36).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Think Progress: Children at risk of abuse, patients in need of long-term care, poor residents eligible for Medicaid — they all could have benefited from greater access to health care if Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) had accepted millions of dollars in grants from the federal government. Instead, he followed the state legislature’s “well-established policy of not implementing any portion of federal heath care reform through the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.”

And yet lawmakers were willing to forego that prohibition to accept over $2.5 million in ACA money to fund abstinence-only sex education, even though the program offers students very little by way of health-related information.

Translation: It’s OK to take government money, as long as it can be diverted to Teabuggery, not used to meet real people’s real needs.

From MSNBC: Bill Maher on the Ed Show with Michael Eric Dyson


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Part 2

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

From Right Wing Watch: Back in June when Gov. Rick Perry announced that he was hosting his massive "The Response" prayer rally and inviting all of the nation’s governors to join him, Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback immediately announced that he would attend.  But now, with the event only three days away, it appears as if Brownback might be having second thoughts and will no longer confirm him attendance.

The event is being held at Reliant Stadium, home of the NFL’s Houston Texans, which can seat 86,000 people, so obviously organizers had pretty grand plans for this event.  A spokesperson for the stadium said they were expecting 30,000-35,0000 to attend … but with only a few days to go, the number of confirmed attendees stands at about one-tenth of the stadium’s capacity.

More from Keith Olbermann on this and Romney too on Countdown.




  29 Responses to “Open Thread–8/4/2011”

  1. Looks to me like all the “jobs” are on anchorage. It’s hard for me to laugh at that cartoon! 👿

  2. Wait a minute – if he’s going to get that money, isn’t in the legislation that he has to use the money for ACA and NOT abstinence education? Can a state opt out of ACA and still receive the money to use it for some other purpose? This smells to high heaven. WTF? 😡 😡 😡

  3. Why are the tea baggers always in victim mode. There only other mode is “NO”. Get over your false outrage about being called terrorists – you’ve called Obama much worse. Dammit, I really despise these people and their dubious outrage. What a bunch of friggin toddlers. Jebus. 😡

  4. A 7 HOUR prayer service? Are you friggin crazy – everyone will be sleeping through your whole event. And I’m sure they have to pay to get it there. What a loon. This man and his 10 attendees need a padded room with lots of thorazine. Is he going to call on God to pray away the recession? That ought to play out well.

    And Mittens is getting advice from the worst president in history? That ought to go well. He was doing fine on his own and now he’s got the lawyers who authorized torture on campaign team? What a friggin idiot! He’s a businessman – wtf does he have a clue about economics? And he’s planning on nominating SCOTUS judges such as Borc (my computer is having an issue) – he does realize that Borc didn’t get on to the court right?

    If Mittens goes the religious route, he’s going to get creamed by Perry and his Mormonism. Evangelicals consider Mormonism a cult and the more he stays away from the religious aspect of that in his campaign, the better off he’ll be. Let Perry get the evangelical loons and stay away from them unless you want your campaign to implode.

  5. Oh, yes, the poor rich in this country that don’t pay enough taxes, can afford their yachts and sailboats. Don’t we all feel sorry for them? NOT! 25 million people under or not insured, another 30 million unemployed, gas prices through the roof as well as food prices, and they are contributing about $500 million to the deficit every day, they won’t hire anyone even though they are the “job creators” (my ass), their companies are sitting on piles of cash and not hiring, the financial industry won’t loan money, etc. but they still have their McMansions and their yachts and sailboats. I feel terrible for them – any one else with me? Yeah, I thought not. 👿

  6. My oh my! Lisa has her dander up!!!! I’m in agreement! Another prayer meetin’ hallelujah! Amen! damn right no Mormon’s gonna pass as a christian – any more than a scientologist would! I’m still waiting for an atheist to run! This country is really bs hypocritical mf’in racist christians! It’s what makes for “batty” – you’re right Lisa – after living in this country for 64 yrs. it’s time for a padded room for me!!! The longer they pray the more convinced they are that god is telling them how she wants things to go!
    Meanwhile let’s hear it for the god gifted congress who want to concentrate on jobs – but put their vacays ahead of FAA – hope they all make it to and fro on their aeroplanes!! or are they making their chauffeurs drive them home?
    Pomegranite and date trees and rose bushes oh my!!! really reid!!!! really?!!!!! our poor dems!!! almost as bad as the repugss!
    abstinence is so expensive – first you have to teach how it’s done, then you have to pay for all the out of wedlock children, then you have to pay for the welfare of these single teen moms, or is that part of the cuts in entitlements? don’t ya just love the way these compassionate christ petters think!

  7. 3:52 Missed you by 5 seconds. I am 70 out of 216 (324).

  8. 5:06 😕

  9. My brother-in-law and I have been building a deck onto the back of my house this past week and I’m beat! I’ve been waiting for this for 12 years though and was able to have my AM coffee out there today. No stairs or railings but it’s usable.

    3:55 Not bad.

    Lisa isn’t the only one who has her dander up!

  10. I like the letter Rev. Barry Lynn (Executive Director of Americans Untied for Separation of Church & State) sent to Rick Perry:

    “To be blunt, you have overstepped your constitutional bounds. I am a Christian minister and would like to remind you that it is not the job of government officials to call people to pray, recommend that they fast or prod them to take part in other religious activities. That job belongs to me and my fellow clergy. We are capable of doing it without government ‘help’ or interference. We are offended when you attempt to usurp our role.

    “Your job as a public servant is to represent all of the people of Texas – even those with whom you personally disagree. Your promotion of this event sends the message that certain Texans – those who are in sympathy with the religious/political sentiments being expressed by the rally’s sponsors – are better than others. This is a dangerous message for any government official to send.”

  11. Jerk, nitwit, stupid, assinine, idiotic, evil, full of crap, lousy, satanic possession, ….

    Okay, I’d have to pull out the Thesaurus for more, but Obama HAS TO WAKE UP TO US, HIS FORMER BASE!

    Why is he caving to these representives of Al Qaeda. When did the terrorists buy them off?

    On the Republicans, I’m reminded of the scene from “The Magic Christian” with all the business-suited people marching into a cesspool. This is what’s going on today. Unfortunately, both sides are going into the pool.

    We have nothing left, Tom. What do we believe in? What do we support?

  12. Amen!

    I know what the %$#& you mean.

    He believed they would kill the country.

    Marva, we support progressives where we can. Otherwise we do whatever it takes to get rid of Republicans.

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