FAA in Limbo

 Posted by at 12:48 am  Politics
Aug 032011

Congress has gone on vacation, leaving the FAA in limbo for over a month and costing the US Treasury over $30 million per day in revenues.  This certainly seems insane, and it follows that behind all insaniTEA, Republicans are lurking and scheming.  At issue is a  Republican demand to strip transportation workers of their collective bargaining rights.

3FAAThe House and Senate began a five-week recess on Tuesday without resolving a funding stalemate at the Federal Aviation Administration, leaving 4,000 agency employees and 80,000 contractors high and dry.

Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.) announced shortly before 7 p.m. that the chamber was in recess until Sept. 6. The House, which wrapped up its legislative business on Monday, will not be in session again until Sept. 7.

The impasse is over a proposal by House Republicans to cut funding for a program for airports in several rural areas. Also at issue is a longer-term FAA reauthorization bill containing provisions restricting airline workers’ collective bargaining rights… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Washington Post>

Rachel Maddow discusses how Republicans are hurting the economy through their union busting.

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Republicans care so much about jobs that they are idling thousands of workers.  Republicans care so much about the deficit that they are embarking on more economic terrorism costing the Treasury almost $1 billion.


  16 Responses to “FAA in Limbo”

  1. more terrorist tactics – don’t get more of my dander up – I’m still in a snit and am stll calling for These fat cats have got to be eradicated before I’m dead! At the rate we’re going I’ll have company and a lot of us will be killed off by these terrorists before they finish with us – seems almost directly related to treason – they couldn’t be more damaging to the country if they were directly employed by a secret Chinese terrorist agenda – and I for one wouldn’t be surprised if that were the case!

  2. OK, let’s see. In 2010 republicans campaigned on jobs, jobs, jobs. Now Democrats are saying it is all about jobs, jobs, jobs. Finally, everyone is on the same page. OH, WAIT! There’s a problem. Democrats want to CREATE jobs. Republicans want to REDUCE jobs, at least that seems to be what they are doing with the FAA.

  3. Holding these workers (some without pay) and the contractors, just puts more people in the unemployment line. I think they (the Repubs) won’t be happy until everyone of us is there.

  4. Just another step in the GOP’s effort to strangle the federal government. Guess we’ll have to start marching on the Koch brothers’ businesses with pitchforks…

  5. These absolute jerks- many of whom are making more money than they ever made in their lives– are engaged in terrorism–Put as many of them on the unemployment line as we can- ASAP—Their goal now is obvious isnt it—?

  6. Some will rob you with a six-gun,
    And some with a fountain pen

    Woody Guthrie from “Pretty Boy Floyd”

  7. They don’t care because they all have very good jobs with superb bennies. The common working (or is that non-working) peons just don’t matter to them.

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