Aug 032011

Yesterday I was gone most of the day for my wellness exam.  I am pleased to announce that I am still alive, but I missed sleep to go.  I also ran into a former prisoner who I helped several years ago.  It was great to see that he is still free and doing well.  I’m current on replies.  Today, I have an early appointment with my denturist to fix my lowers.  Then I need to go to the store, so I’ll be busy.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 4:02 (average 5:14).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Countdown:  Worst persons:

Coon skin? Tar Baby?  In the new Republican Party a KKK member is considered a moderate.

From Alternet: Jon Stewart Rails Against The Tea Party’s Refusal To Compromise On Debt Deal.


It’s ironic that humor can be found in the worst of situations.

From NY Times: MSNBC said Tuesday that it had signed its top star, Rachel Maddow, to a new multi-year contract, cementing her position at the cable news channel for several years.

Finally some good news!




  19 Responses to “Open Thread–8/3/2011”

  1. 5:33
    Must be a t-party shunk! I could smell his stench on my local Republican! 😈

  2. we’re on the same page – accept I need to wait till next month before I get implants to hold my “bottoms” – the school is on vacation – and I couldn’t have surgery without “teeth” (dentures or otherwise – and “otherwise” is out), so now I’m almost recovered from my “hari-kari” surgery – only to feel like I wish I had died on the operating table than to face a dying nation that I happen to live in!! Is there a republican/t-booger that is “human(e)”?

  3. They just can’t get that racial language out of their systems, can they?

  4. I love Jon Stewart – I watch him everyday! That is some funny shit right there. πŸ˜‰

  5. Yeah, Rachel will be with us forever, I hope.

  6. I wish we could have put some skunks in the debt ceiling decision room, because that bill stinks to high heaven.

  7. The Tea Party skunks have stunk up the entire country.

  8. 4:41 πŸ˜• I’m 70 out of 215 (326). Yes, today was tough.

  9. 4:53

    Oh no! Nothing racist about those skunks.

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