Aug 022011

Each time I think I have seen the sleaziest extent to which Republicans will stoop to steal the upcoming recall elections in the Fascist Corporate Dictatorship of Fitzwalkerstan, formerly Wisconsin, they surprise me by finding something even sleazier.

2recallIs the Koch-backed conservative group Americans For Prosperity up to no good in the Wisconsin state Senate recalls?

As Politico reports, mailers have now turned up from Americans For Prosperity Wisconsin, addressed to voters in two of the Republican-held recall districts, where the elections will be held on August 9. The mailers ask recipients to fill out an absentee ballot application, and send it in — by August 11, after Election Day for the majority of these races.

"These are people who are our 1’s [solid Democrats] in the voterfile who we already knew," a Democratic source told Politico. "They ain’t AFP members, that’s for damn sure."

There are two other recall elections being held on August 16, targeting two Democratic incumbents, but they are both a distance away from the recipients of these particular mailers.

Furthermore, a close look at the mailer shows a continuation of irregularities that have already involved conservative groups and absentee ballots in the state.

The mailing address for the applications is listed as "Absentee Ballot Application Processing Center, P.O. Box 1327, Madison WI 53701-1327." A Google search shows that this address is not any sort of government office, but has been used by the conservative group Wisconsin Family Action [Wing-nuts delinked]… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <TPM>

There is nothing Republicans will not to transform America into a permanent one-party corporate plutocracy.  I stand with the Democrats of Wisconsin!


  9 Responses to “More Teabuggery in Fitzwalkerstan”

  1. Beyond the pale – but not too surprising – it was about this time before twig stole the election that Ohio was buying its new voting machines that everyone knew were bugged – but noone did anything about it! I suspect Wisconsin is close enough to Ohio to have learned a few lessons!

  2. A complaint has been filed with the Wisconsin Government Accountability Board [PDF]:

    It’s shameful, but right-wingers don’t even TRY to hide their criminality any more.

  3. Ballot tampering should be a federal offense. Sort of like interfering with the mail. At least a complaint has been filed.

    I gotta tell you, Tom, I’ve never been more afraid for our country then right this moment. Stay well, my friend. We need you.

  4. This is a very frightening time for our country -things have come to this , I think , in large part because we the people have been , and continue to be apathetic ; ; Apathy does more damage than anything– If the people continue to tacitly accept the overthrow of all the hard won rights by the radical , corporate toadies- Things will only continue downhill—-and the Repugs will win.-

  5. The best way to deflate this is to spread the word far and wide that this is a hoax, along with the correct date and time information for voting. This way, the Kochs will have spent a lot of money (to us, anyway) and get nothing for it.

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