What Tea Party?

 Posted by at 12:39 am  Politics
Jul 312011

In all the political theatre we have suffered in recent weeks, it’s very tempting to lose track of one key fact, so much so that I have done it myself on and off.  The belief that the Tea Party is in any way separate from the Republican party is erroneous.  The Tea Party brown-shirts and the Republican Party leaders are merely acting out their assigned scripts, with the storm troopers providing old-line Republican politicians with a place to point fingers and escape blame for what they have done and are doing to this nation.

The article below references a video, so first here’s the video.

While I do not disagree with any of the points that CNN’s Fareed Zakaria made to Anderson Cooper after seeing the turn that this debt ceiling hostage taking has taken with the extreme level of obstruction by these so-called "tea party" freshmen in the House of Representatives and as Zakaria pointed out, their refusal to do any negotiating at all during this debacle. But what both of them failed to point out here is that there is no "tea party." It’s the extreme right wing of the Republican base.

teabag-obsceneIt’s a drummed up astroturf movement sponsored by corporate America that is not only one of Fox’s making, but CNN’s as well. I don’t believe for one minute that any of these right wing Republicans actually believe that it’s not necessary to raise the debt ceiling. I also don’t believe that any of them are too naive to realize what kind of dangerous game they’re playing with our economy. I don’t believe they’re acting out of ideological purity. I think they’re willing to play bad cop to push the Overton window even further to the right so that the rest of them can jam through right wing policies that would otherwise be completely unacceptable to the electorate in the name of a fake, drummed up emergency.

It’s shock doctrine and the "tea party" is playing their part as the useful idiots. And our media continues to pretend that they’re some grass roots movement that is just beholden to some ideological purity and not just the extreme right of the Republican Party who is helping them to achieve their goal of destroying our social safety nets, which Republicans have hated ever since they’ve been enacted. And they’re doing corporate America’s bidding with helping to turn us into a third world country where we have no middle class left. That’s their goal. They’re not crazy. They’re bought and sold… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Crooks and Liars>

The author had done an excellent job reminding us to ignore the kabuki.  It’s all for show.  If the Tea Party were who they claim to be, they would be the first to oppose preferential treatment for millionaires, billionaires, and corporate criminals in the tax code.  Yet they zealously defend their corporate masters, exposing that their true allegiance is not to the American people.

That said, I recognize that many in the rank and file are merely deceived and do not share the Machiavellian intent of the leadership.


  15 Responses to “What Tea Party?”

  1. The tea party is about 8 single individuals highly funded by corporations like Cock ind. and the Chamber of Dickheads who arrange transport for people to stupid to know that, that free trip in an air conditioned bus listening to hours of rabid ranting is solely done to secure their vote. There is no Tea Party, there is only Citizens United at work,

  2. That tea they drink has clouded their minds and they just don’t know they are pawns in a very dangerous game. To the Kochs and their ilk, they are expendable.

  3. In a way, I fell sorry for the dumbasses, the poor people that the Kock-suckers are using to destroy everything that is good about America! A lot of those “grassroots” tea party people have a very uncertain future now! If only they could have understood it. Oh well, you can’t help someone that doesn’t want to be helped……! πŸ‘Ώ

    • I don’t feel bad for them at all; if they are that stupid as to be controlled by corporations, then they are just idiots doing the corportacracy’s work. Dumasses. πŸ™„

      • Lisa, I really don’t feel sorry for them either! (Crocodile tears) 😈

        • I guess I know what it is to mess up my life through allowing myself to be brainwashed, but compassion is a part of who I am.

  4. Nero burned Rome. Are we going to let teabaggers burn America? Run them out of town.

  5. They will be run out on a rail for trying to destroy the big 3 – SS, Medicare and Medicaid. NO ONE wants those programs to be destroyed because they WORK. If you don’t need your SS check or Medicare because you can afford private insurance, good for you; send your checks back to the government so that they can pay the people who need it a living wage.

    If they are stupid enough to be lead around by the nose by the corporations, then they deserve to be run out of town. The Tea Party will be dead in 2012. πŸ˜‰

  6. The Tea Party needs a little Jim Jones kool-aid.

  7. Anderson Cooper is naive. We no longer have democracy in this country; we have been transformed into a TEAOCRACY, and it really stinks!

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