Jul 312011

Yesterday I took a long nap from 11:00 until 4:00.  I think I am finally caught up with sleep and am with replies as well.  You guys east of here have more heat coming.  Tomorrow, I have housework and paperwork to do.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 4:06 (average 4:47).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Washington Post: [their data, my summary] The Republicans who voted to table the Boner Bill on Friday night were: Jim DeMint, Lindsey Graham, Orrin Hatch, Mike Lee, Joe LIEberman, Rand Paul, and David Vitter.

Most of these are not Republicans who crossed the aisle.  They are Republicans who opposed raising the debt limit under any circumstances.

From Huffington Post: Fire officials in La Crosse are continuing to investigate a Saturday blaze that destroyed the regional offices of We Are Wisconsin, a union political action committee (PAC) that has pumped millions of dollars into supporting Democratic candidates in the upcoming recall elections.

I won’t accuse, but on a suspicious scale of 1 to 10, I’m a 20.

From Mother Jones: Americans for Prosperity, the conservative political advocacy group founded by David Koch and funded by a roster of right-wing think tanks, has purchased $150,000 in TV air time in Green Bay, Madison, and Milwaukee, three of Wisconsin’s biggest media markets. The ad buy comes in the run-up to Wisconsin’s big recall elections, which are just over a week away. If spent on pro-GOP recall ads, the buy brings AFP’s overall political spending on the recall races to more than $500,000.

$Half a million buys an awful lot of Koch sucking!




  14 Responses to “Open Thread–7/31/2011”

  1. 3:43

    Very suspicious fire!

    Love the cartoon. It is so true. They are just having a cluster f**k.

  2. Loved the cartoon! The owners ought to name that bitch, “Sarah Palin” in honor of the “Tea Party”! 😈

  3. 3:55 Well, I am number 2 today, BUT fortunately my score keeping is against TomCat, not Patty. I am 70 out of 212 (330).

    Good win, Patty!

  4. Unless these dogs are having a Rainbow Coalition gathering, I’m a little confused anatomically to exactly what’s going on here gender-wise.
    Not that there’s anything wrong with that….

  5. Correction – they are all idiots who think they are doing the right thing. There’s a first time for everything.

    I’m with you on that 20 scale. At least no one was hurt or killed or they would be up on manslaughter charges and attempted murder.

    Those ad buys – they might as well have burned that cash because those people are GONE. And 150K doesn’t buy a lot of air time. With all their money, why don’t they just buy a yacht or something and stay out of politics? At least you’ll have something to show for it.

  6. Oops – I meant $500K -still they wouldn’t be up for recall if people didn’t hate them.

    Yeah, that’s about what Congress led by Boner looks like.

  7. Boner and the boys!!

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