Winning, Republican Style

 Posted by at 12:03 am  Politics
Jul 252011

In the distant past, after the 2004 Presidential elections, on a previous incarnation of this site, I posted that Republicans had stolen the election.  I based that conclusion on analysis of exit data as compared to official results.  I determined that, where Democrats controlled the counting, the variance was well within the expected margin of error.  On the other hand, where Republicans control the counting the variance averaged  4-5%, always favoring the Republican.  In Ohio the disparities were so extreme, that they were statistically impossible.  For example, several solidly Democratic precincts were counted overwhelmingly for Bush with more Bush votes that the precincts had registered voters.  So I knew the results had been hacked.  Now we know how they did it.


The outcome of the 2004 Ohio General Election has always been a thorn in my side. I was tracking it on election night and it never made sense to me. Never.

Over time, evidence has emerged that supports the allegation that Ohio’s vote data made an unscheduled detour through Chatanooga, TN and during that stop, was doctored to make sure George W. Bush won Ohio and the election.

Until now, the architectural maps and contracts from the Ohio 2004 election were never made public, which may indicate that the entire system was designed for fraud. In a previous sworn affidavit to the court, Spoonamore declared: "The SmarTech system was set up precisely as a King Pin computer used in criminal acts against banking or credit card processes and had the needed level of access to both county tabulators and Secretary of State computers to allow whoever was running SmarTech computers to decide the output of the county tabulators under its control."

Spoonamore also swore that "…the architecture further confirms how this election was stolen. The computer system and SmarTech had the correct placement, connectivity, and computer experts necessary to change the election in any manner desired by the controllers of the SmarTech computers."

Project Censored named the outsourcing of Ohio’s 2004 election votes to SmarTech in Chattanooga, Tennessee to a company owned by Republican partisans as one of the most censored stories in the world.

… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Crooks and Liars>

Now just in case you’re wondering who SmarTech is, they are the IT company that serves the Bush family, and the one who managed Karl Rove’s systems, the ones with all the “missing” emails.

I strongly suggest that you click through and read the rest of that article.

In the 2012 election, Republicans will control the vote counting in more states than Democrats.  As long as Republicans control the House, no federal election reform is possible, so if you want to protect your votes you’ll have to do it in your own states.  If electronic voting machines are to be used, they must keep a paper record of every vote cast.


  23 Responses to “Winning, Republican Style”

  1. I’m shocked tell you, just shocked! 🙄

  2. And what the fuck is that map supposed to be – I have a degree in IT and I can’t figure that shit out. That’s some scary shit. 😈

  3. I remember – those a-holes screwed us back then and their tactics have improved – they’re out to do it again – this election will be a closer one – so easier to manipulate the paperless voting system! as twig said “fool me once” — hope the dems get the adage a little better than the left over jiz of bush1 !

  4. It’s even more troubling that besides vote rigging, they seem hell bent on selling off this country! 👿

  5. Republicans not only lie, they CHEAT. Of course, that is the only way they can win. When you are totally focused on the top 1 or 2% of the population, the only way to win is to cheat.

  6. It’s the only way GW could win an election.

  7. Ahhh, the old “Man in the Middle” gambit:
    “A ‘Man in the Middle’ is a deliberate computer hacking setup, which allows a third party to sit in between computer transmissions and illegally alter the data.”

    The good news is this info all came about because of ONGOING litigation: King Lincoln Bronzeville Neighborhood Association v. Blackwell
    Although I’m not sure what ramifications can come of it, it’s still good to know that the Fat Lady hasn’t sung yet on this one!

  8. Sometimes : it is really nice to see hard evidence that backs up what we knew in our gut —

  9. Jerry Critter forgot to mention that they kill too.

  10. People have always known this about the GOP. If they can’t win outright they’ll cheat. Why the general public has such memory lapses around election time is beyond me.

  11. Re[ublicans, eho hate fairness in elections AND the economy, will cheat whenever possible, ESPECIALLY if they smell victory at the end. But I think most voters have a clear view of what the GOP is up to this time, and they will reject strongly Republican attempts to further bust unions, end a woman’s right to choose, keep unfair tax breaks for billionaires while they themselves are hurting, and destroy the good programs like Social Security and Medicare. The Teapublicans will be history after the 2012 elections, no matter how much corporate money they get or how much they try to cheat. They will have their asses deservedly handed back to them but good! People are sick and tired of their obstructionist bullshit!

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