Dec 042023

As of now, I finally have all of my meds.  So I feel I can finally actually start to recover (as opposed to whatever the appropriate equivalent is of treading water.)

It looks like this would be a good week to read Joy’s Vance’s “Civil Discourse” Substack column “The Week Ahead.”  She often does one of those on Mondays, but not every Monday is so fruitful of interesting things due to happen which might also go under the radar because they aren’t flashy.  Here’s the link, and don’t forget to (scroll if necessary and) click the link to “keep reading,” or “let me read it first.”

I learned today of the existence of a company which makes recordings of classical music , called “Cedille Records.”  That would not be earthshaking news, except that the founder and CEO is James Ginsburg, and yes, that’s Ginsburg as in Ruth (who was his mother.)  So it should come as no surprise that Cedille has released many a recording featuring non-lily-white musicians and composers, and continues to collaborate with the Sphinx Organization, notably the Sphinx Symphony Orchestra and the Sphinx Virtuosi.  But they are also more than happy to work with any artist, and in particular any artist who has their own message to tell.

I would have loved to find the complete opera “Scalia/Ginsburg” listed among their recordings, but no (at least not yet.)  But there is a recording of songs written in Ruth’s honor – sung by Patrice Michaels (AKA Mrs. James Ginsburg.)  And there is a playlist of her favorite opera excerpts.  And another playlist compiled in honor of her would-have-been 90th birthdqay.

If anyone wants to now more about the company, what I heard was the first of a five-part program, so any day this week (through Friday), whatever time it is in your time zone when it’s noon in Chicago. you can pull up and hear more about Cedille.

Here’s a little something we may at least hope for this week:






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