Jul 092011

I’ve never been an Oprah fan.  I have nothing against her, but I had better things to do.  Would you believe that lunatic Republicans are actually identifying her as pastor of Antichrist?  Seriously!  The insaniTEA must be getting stronger!

9OprahRight Wing Watch has documented the close ties between Gov. Rick Perry’s The Response prayer rally and the International House of Prayer (IHOP), not the least of which is that IHOP’s affiliated The Call rallies appear to serve as a model for The Response. Mike Bickle, the founder and executive director of IHOP — who along with Lou Engle made IHOP a prominent force in the Religious Right – is also an official endorser of The Response [Bigots delinked]. Like Engle, Bickle is a radical who pushes extraordinary End Times prophesies.

In an undated GOD TV video [Theocons delinked] about the End Times, Bickle claims that Oprah Winfrey will be one of the principal “pastors” of the “Harlot Babylon,” which he says is the precursor to the coming of the Antichrist…

Inserted from <Right Wing Watch>

Here’s the video.

Beware Teabaggers!  Run!!  Hide under your beds and quiver!  The Oprahchrist is going to get you! 😈


  30 Responses to “Watch Out for the Oprahchrist!”

  1. Ok, that’s it. Everyone of those mega churches should be torn down brick by brick. Oprah as the anti Christ – are you fucking kidding me? What did she EVER do to piss off these people? WTF? What did they ever do to her – or she to them? These people are FUCKING LUNATICS and I am sooooo sad that I have to share a country with them. Jebus on a pogo stick – WTF is wrong with these people. I take back tearing down the churches – we’ll make them all insane asylums for every person who attends or leads one of those churches. That way we won’t have to build new ones to house all these nutcases. 🙄

    • Lisa, I think your on to something. They all come to church volutntarily. Use Mike Bickel as bait to get them to a special revival and then just lock them all in. Seriously – Oprah?

    • Back in the early 2000’s I actually attended Rev. Hagee’s mega-church in San Antonio (under duress by some dear friends of mine). Yes, it was just like being in Jonestown drinking the cool-aid — no one seemed to question any assertion the pastor made. And the services are run like a NBC special, with cameras roaming the aisles documenting the “emotion” of all parishioners, for later broadcast on the Pastor’s personal satellite station. BIG retail sales of books, CD’s, DVD’s in the lobby after the service. And these are tax-exempt organizations, therefore subsidized by you and me. This is the biggest con in the American tax code, and that takes a whopper!

      • You poor gal!

        To be clear, they get the deduction not as churches but as 501(c)(3) nonprofits, To get that exemption they voluntarily agree not to participate in political campaigns. They are violating that agreement and should be denied the benefit on a church by church basis.

    • Her first mistake in these lunatics eyes was her endorsement of Barrack Obama for president.
      I think otherwise she wouldn’t have been on their radar.

      I like your insane asylum proposal.

    • I wonder if they can deduct padded walls?

  2. I’m only speaking for myself…..I find Oprah, very attractive! (she has huge moneybag$). The religious, political right are a bunch of pathetic losers! They can all go to hell, as far as I’m concerned! And that’s not impossible, if Faux News goes on the skids! 😈

  3. And all these years I thought IHOP stood for the International House of PANCAKES!
    No wonder those pancakes at IHOP were so “devilishly” good!

  4. OMG! Now she has her own network! The lunatics better all don their tinfoil hats.

    What drivel!

  5. Hopefully, this prayer fest will put an end to any presidential ambitions that Perry may have.

  6. Wonder if this creep’s related to Travis Bickel, the cab driver? (similar message) 😈

  7. OMG Oprah…Oprah…Oprah There is nothing more than the Oprah.
    (oh yeah, the world is coming to an end)

  8. So Oprah is kind, intelligent, forgiving, etc. so we must hate her. Because as everyone knows God (the REAL God) is full of anger, punishment and hates humans (that’s why He created us — so he could kick our asses and hate us, in the name of love, of course.)

  9. P,S. Just one more reason to LOVE Oprah (as if I needed another one).

  10. At first- I thought this a satire , not funny– but not real ; I realized it is for real , Still found it hard to believe– How ugly can it get— I will repeat what I have said many times….’Evil done in God’s name is still Evil”

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