Yesterday, Katie Porter sent a fundraising email as unique as her whiteboard. She talks about her kids liking Mom’s cooking, and her jugglimg of cooking, and then offers to send her recipes to anyone who gives any amount through the email (If you didn’t get it, I’ll be happy to forward it,) AND – by the end of the day, voters in Ohio destroyed the GOP trap proposition bigly. Congratulations, Ohio!
Cartoon –
Short Takes –
The Daily Beast – Watch Out for Renewed GOP Assaults on No-Fault Divorce
Quote – Conservative commentators are joining the calls to end no-fault divorce. Steven Crowder bemoaned the fact that Texas law permitted his wife to divorce him just because “she didn’t want to be married anymore.”… The earliest divorce laws in this country required the party seeking divorce to prove that the other party had committed one of the enumerated types of marital “fault” that the legislature had deemed sufficient to justify allowing the marriage to be dissolved. Every divorce law included adultery as a ground, and some states also had grounds like abandonment, neglect, imprisonment, or extreme cruelty. These grounds represented the legislature’s determination about what types of marital breakdown were dealbreakers. But the fault-based system had other features, as well. The party filing for divorce had to be “innocent” of marital fault themselves—if each party proved the other had committed marital fault, the law said that the parties had to stay married under the doctrine of recrimination. In other words, the worse the marriage, the longer it should last.
Click through for article. Republicans – authoritarians – want so badly to prevent women from hving any freedom that they don’t appear to realize that this would trap men too. I’m old enought to remember the so-called joke, “My wife is married, but I’m not.” That won’t fly any more.
ProPublica – Bullied by Her Own Party, a Wisconsin Election Official’s GOP Roots Mean Nothing in Volatile New Climate
Quote – Margaret Rose Bostelmann’s ideals are clear from one glance at her well-kept ranch-style house in central Wisconsin…. But her fellow Republicans have exiled her and disparaged her, sought to upend her career and, on this day in July, brought the 70-year-old to tears as she discussed what she’s been through over the last several years because she refuses to support false claims that Trump won the state in the 2020 presidential election…. Now a suit filed in June by a Wisconsin man who promotes conspiracy theories about election fraud seeks her removal from the commission. Citing her estrangement from the county party, the suit claims she’s not qualified to fill a position intended for a Republican.
Click through for details. So, Liz Cheney is not a one-off. But – there are certainly not enough of them to be or become a national party.
Food For Thought
They won their special elections by 78% and 92% – and now they have national name recognition.
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