Jan 182010

Yesterday I caught up on comments here during halftime.  Today I should be able to catch up on visits.

Today’s Jig Zone puzzle took me 4:17.  To do it, Click Here.  How did you do?

Here’s your cartoon:

How are you celebrating MLK Day?


  5 Responses to “Open Thread – 1/18/2010”

  1. By being sick…lol have been all weekend.. just a cold and bad throat but still not feeling well at all.. but still am able to post and visit.. Thanks Tom for being YOU.

  2. Thanks Annette. I hopr you feel better quickly.

  3. I'm going to have to go contrary to my liberal roots on this. I don't think we should have an MLK day at all. All it does is incite the narrow-minded bigots if they're not getting the day off work. If the narrow-minded bigots do get the day off, they don't observe anything.

    I'd rather see Election Day as a national observance. Everybody gets off work and canvasses their own neighborhood, drive folks to the polls, or (like it Oregon) drive somebody to the ballot dropoff place nearest their home.

  4. 3:52 on the puzzle.

    Not doing anything for MLK day, either. In my defense I show it the difference as just about any other holiday. I don't do anything for the 4th except watch fireworks, if they are convenient, I don't go to church on Easter Sunday, or Good Friday. I have even backed off the whole 'Easter basket' thing. Yeah, I just don't do much on holidays in general.
    I do agree with Marva that Election Day should be a National Holiday. I also think it should be on a Saturday.
    And Rush should have to live in Haiti. Right now.

  5. Marva, we disagree about MLK Day. If nothing else inciting the GOP bigots reminds us how important it is to finish King's work. I do, however, agree that either election day should be a holiday, or that the rest of the nation should adopt the Oregon system.

    LOL, Otis. May I respectfully suggest that there is a holiday coming next month. Nonobservance on your part could be fatal. 😉

    My observance of the day was the article.

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