The Truth About the Economy

 Posted by at 2:05 am  Politics
Jun 152011


If I had a nickel for every time I have explained here that the only realistic way to restart the economy if for government to put dollars in consumers pockets, ideally through infrastructure spending, and that the source of that money has to be those that benefited from Republican socialism for the rich, which caused the job loss, I could retire in a manner in which Iā€™d like to become accustomed.  Yesterday I received a video from in which Robert Reich not only does so far better than I have, but also does it in less than three minutes.  It also includes a petition asking Barack Obama not to give in to Republican blackmail.

Please sign the petition.  I did.


  6 Responses to “The Truth About the Economy”

  1. what happened is not rocket science only them getting wealthier and the truly ignorant could not have sussed this out three years ago. Why is Reich @ Berkeley and not Fed Chairman?

  2. Signed. This should be played on every TV station at every commercial break until the 2012 elections. I agree Reich for Fed Chairman and Krugman for Treasury secretary. Geithner and Bernanke have no idea what they are doing. Especially Geithner – at all those Congressional meetings he attends, he has nothing intelligent to say and half the time sits there looking like a complete idiot. My 14 yo could do a better job.

  3. Clear and concise–

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