Jun 132011


Republicans keep saying that private business is more efficient than Medicare.  I found this picture at Think Progress.  I need say nothing else.  You be the judge.


  12 Responses to “When a Picture is Worth 1,000 Words”

  1. Looks to me like Medicare is more efficient.

  2. How very true !!

  3. Also, keep in mind, that Medicare covers people over 65 that private insurance will not cover. If private insurance was so efficient, they would not need an extra 15% or so to provide Medicare Advantage. If private insurance was so efficient, they would not fight extending Medicare to everyone.

    Private insurance is one of the reasons health care in the US costs twice as much as anywhere else.

  4. That speaks volumes. If we had single payer and would negotiate drug prices with them, that graph would start tanking even lower. And yet the Repubs want to repeal Obamacare. What assholes they are and they are driving the US into bankruptcy.

  5. Okay, we get it. But now someone has to teach RepublicanTs how to read a graph.

    • Patty, what’s important is that we be armed with it so that, when Republicans spew their lies, we have the proof to convince others that they are wrong.

  6. Thanks Tom – yes medicare saves money – they know that – but it isn’t to the Insurance cos. benefit to let out that knowledge!
    Just petitioned my state legislators and senators to sign for “public option” clause when health care bill comes up – Cuomo is leaning in favor! The fight isn’t over!

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