Yesterday, I did get all the cartoons done for the rest of this month – although a couple of hthem are a little off. There’s one where I used a date for it which is not usually associated (the usual date is the date then news got out, but the one i used was the date of the initial discovery), and another where I used two related events which happened on the same day but more than a decade apart. Anywa, now it’s on to February.
Cartoon –
Short Takes –
The Daily Beast – The Traitorous Spooks Helping Putin Crush Their Own People
Quote – As the volunteers were desperately trying to convince Alexander and his mother to leave, three men drove up to the courtyard on mopeds and started taking photos of our group with their phones. Immediately, Darren turned to us, looking genuinely fearful for the first time…. “I’ve spoken to the Ukrainian military about this, and they have specifically told us they have problems with guys on mopeds who will take photos and send them to pro-Russian forces,” Wilson later explained.
Click through for story. Every nation has some of these. Ours are called “far right.” It’s quite possible that every nation throughout human history has had some. And they are the real reason we can’t have nice things. We will never eliminate them completely – but we can do a whole lot better at restraining them. It starts by recognizing who they are – and who they aren’t.
NM Political Report – Proposed legislation would provide tax deduction for teachers
Quote – It is not just students’ parents who buy pencils, paper and protractors; teachers, many times, spend hundreds of dollars to keep their classrooms stocked for the school year. One proposed bill in this year’s legislative session seeks to help curb that expense.
Click through for details. It is, of course, not enough. But that’s no reason not to pass it. It’s a start.
Food For Thought
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