Jun 082011

Whether or not you think Weiner should resign, I hope you are as disgusted by the flood of Republican hypocrites calling for his resignation as I am.  As scandals go, Weinergate doesn’t hold a candle to many Republican examples, but when they do it, they don’t seem to think it’s the same, as I shall demonstrate.


House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) is now calling on Democratic New York Rep. Anthony Weiner to resign, in the wake of Weiner’s admission on Monday that he has engaged in online sexual exchanges with younger women, and that he had lied about the matter for the past week after accidentally posting a public Tweet, intended to have been a direct message to a college student, of a photo of his underwear-clad crotch.

"I don’t condone his activity. And I think he should resign," Cantor said after a Chamber of Commerce luncheon in Louisa, Virginia, the Charlottesville Daily Progress reports.

Inserted from <TPM>

Cantor sang a completely different tune following Republican scandals.  Rachel Maddow compares Republican responses to Weinergate and to more egregious Republican sex scandals.

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In my opinion, whether or not Weiner should resign will depend on the revelations that follow.  We can be sure that Republicans will plant women to come out of the woodwork and make claims.  There may also be authentic claims.  Everything should be investigated.  Nevertheless, Republicans must be exposed as the vile hypocrites they are.


  12 Responses to “Republican Hypocrites on Weinergate”

  1. Their scruples leave much to be desired.

  2. Well, at least we’re getting some big-name Republicans on record as supporting the principle that any sex scandal, however minor, is grounds for resignation. Given their track record, that’s eventually going to come back to bite them on their own Weiners.

  3. PS: Perfect graphic for this.

  4. Heard about Rachel Maddow’s stand-in, Chris Hayes, Tweeting a suggestion to the effect that Repubicans David Vitter, Mark Foley, Larry Craig, John Ensign, Chris Lee, Newt Gingrich, etc.,etc. get together and make a “It Gets Better” video to help Weiner through the tough times.

  5. Hypocrites generally have smaller wieners and therefore tend to be less appealing! They should be expelled, or at least zipped up!

  6. And what about Larry Craig – who got re-elected. Repubs are dumb, stupid and forgetful. But Rachel again is right; the double standard should not exist, especially if you are running on the “Family values” ticket. πŸ™„

    • Lisa, David Vitter got reelected, not Larry Craig. Craig is touring America’s finest restrooms as a private citizen.

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