May 292011

RepubliCrime is on the rise.  Republican politicians and pundits have stirred up hatred against Muslims, people who believe in women’s rights, African Americans, and most of all LGBT people.  They have encouraged violence though their gun talk and encouragement od “Second Amendment solutions”. Even I did not realize the extent until a reader (thanks, Nameless)  left a link in a comment to an interactive map of attacks against liberal and government targets, what I call RepubliCrimes, for obvious reasons.  Last Sunday a RepubliCrime occurred here in Portland.  Two gay men were attacked on the Hawthorne  Bridge.  Tonight at 7:30 PM there is a demonstration at the crime scene in support of the victims.

First, this is the crime.

29forkener_rosevearBrad Forkner and Christopher Rosevear were walking east across the Hawthorne Bridge Sunday evening vaguely aware of a group of young men behind them.

The two were out for a stroll, said Forkner, 23, of Southeast Portland. It was about 8:30 p.m. and the couple headed for the Esplanade for a view of the city.

And the two men, who are gay, were holding hands.

As they neared the pathway down to the Esplanade, Forkner felt someone push him, knocking him against a railing. Then, he said, fists.

He pulled out a cell phone and called 911 as the attackers hit Rosevear a few more times, Forkner said. They then ran off.

Forkner said he couldn’t tell what the attackers were saying. He didn’t hear clearly anti-gay epithets. They were yelling, I don’t know what, he said, adding that they may have been speaking another language. So much was happening and I couldn’t catch onto what was happening.

Police, who met them at the scene, ask anyone with related information to contact Det. Kevin Warren at 503-823–3761. They are investigating the case as a bias crime, noting the lack of provocation by the two men.

The suspects are in their 20s and all about 5-foot-11, police said. One was wearing a blue hooded sweatshirt, another was wearing a white or cream hooded sweatshirt and the third was wearing a brown hooded sweatshirt.

After the attack, Forkner said he and Rosevear went to the emergency room where Rosevear received stitches… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <The Oregonian>

Here’s the video of local coverage.

And here is the demonstration.


There will be a show of support this weekend for two gay men who were beaten up near the Hawthorne Bridge just for holding hands…

The Hands Across Hawthorne event is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. Sunday beginning on the west side of the Hawthorne Bridge. The plan is to link hands spanning the entire length of the bridge to show support for Forkner and Rosevear… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <KATU>

Health and sleep schedule will most likely keep me away, but if I can, I’ll go.  I fully support this protest for the victims and against RepubliCrime.


  11 Responses to “Hands Across the Hawthorne Bridge”

  1. That’s disgusting. If you don’t like gay people, then just stay away from them. There was no need for this attack. The city of Portland is a beautiful city, but now is marred by this horrible crime. I’m glad people are getting together to show support for these men.

  2. Virginia Foxx will soon make a statement on the house floor “proving” that these men were battered because their attackers thought they were fighting each other.

  3. Hate and prejudice are everywhere. Usually disguised as “christianity”

  4. Thanks for posting this, TC. Many things in our lives that we deal with on a daily basis are difficult. But some are exquisitely quite simple:

    “What is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow. That is the whole Law – the rest is interpretation.”
    – Hillel (30 B.C.- 10.A.D.)

  5. My thoughts go out to the victims of this homophobic crime. I’m please that so many other residents are showing their support for these two men.

  6. Everyone, the response was outstanding. I have heard no official count, but there will be a picture in the open thread that is (or will be) one article above this one.

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