Jan 102010

Yesterday, I kept up on comments and returned visits to blogs, until I became involved in rapt religious meditation of the Elliptic Orb.  Both the Jets and Cowboys won, as I had anticipated.  Today I will meditate on Patriots. Ravens, Cardinals and Packers, and anticipate that the Patriots and Packers will continue.

Today’s Jig Zone puzzle took me 4:49.  To do it, Click Here.  How did you do?

Here’s your cartoon:

Will you be watching the games?


  5 Responses to “Open Thread – 1/10/2010”

  1. 6:08

  2. We both need to take lessons from Otis. 🙂

  3. He is a mastermind at that kind of stuff. And he is chock full of useless trivia; he's got a really huge head, so he must have the capacity to store all that crap.

  4. Ahh, my ever adoring and admiring wife…

    No, no masterminding today. I had some terrorism stuff, you know. (like reading this and other communist, nazi, socialist, muslim, facist, non-American born blogs.) Tied with TC on the puzzle, 4:49. Tried a new method for doing the puzzle, it didn't work out how I wanted.

    You know, just writing my response, I wonder whatever happened to 'Don't speak ill of the President?' that the Neocons tried to shove down everyone's throat during the Bush years? Oh, we got the anti-American, NON-American, socialist, facist, nazi, communist, muslim "president". Sorry, I withdraw the question.

  5. LOL, you guys. Otis that got filed in the same trash can as 'the filibuster is evil'.

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