Crook or Can’t Count?

 Posted by at 2:48 am  Politics
Apr 162011

Several people have asked me of late about the state supreme court fiasco in what used to be Wisconsin.  Chris Hayes has the latest.

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My vote is crook!


  8 Responses to “Crook or Can’t Count?”

  1. This educated (and I use that term loosely) person has not had nor will she have any direct oversight and has been allowed it would seem to be able to run amok as she decides what who when and where in her county. Bet she already has her Kock brothers check and a big fat raise coming from the governor.

  2. That bitch IS a crook and should be removed from her position AT ONCE! BRING ON THE RECOUNT! RECALL SCOTT WALKER!!!

  3. There’s something fishy about this. She lies!

  4. There is something very fishy about this – she’s in charge of counting the votes – so count them properly or be fired. We can always find someone else to certify vote counts, like maybe a public accounting firm.

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