Sep 062021

Glenn Kirschner – WAPO Cites Kevin McCarthy’s “Downward Spiral” Culminating in Obstructing Congressional Investigation

Now This News – Remembering the Founder of the Black Panthers

Thom Hartmann – Abortion: Is the Texas GOP the Dog that Caught the Car? (We can hope he’s right – but I personally doubt it.)

Rob Rogers – Exit Strategy

Cat Keeps Stealing Things From The Neighbors

Beau – Let’s talk about a message to Australia from Florida Man….


  4 Responses to “Video Thread 9/6/2021”

  1. WAPO Cites Kevin McCarthy’s “Downward Spiral” 

    Just a reminder that Qevin started out strong.  This is his speech when the Electoral College voting resumed on 1/6/21:

    Abortion: Is the Texas GOP the Dog that Caught the Car?

    Can’t wait for this idiotic law to be declared unconstitutional!

    Cat Keeps Stealing Things From The Neighbors

    Nike hordes rubber bands, milk carton screw tops, twisty ties, strips of paper, shoestrings, etc. and puts them in his food bowl.  I put them on top of the cabinet that holds his food, and the next day they’re back in his food bowl.

  2. M: Every time Kirschner goes down the same road and points out that the DOJ surely must act now, I will repeat my comment: “Yes, the DOJ must act. And it won’t. Garland is a dud.”

    NTN: J.F. Kennedy, M.L. King, R. Kennedy, the Black Panthers…Yes, I remember all of them even though I was still a child but I’m sorry I don’t remember H.P. Newton. I think the Dutch news wasn’t into black resistance much after MLK was shot.

    TH: Tom gives far too much credit to that one Republican with a brain cell who can think things through. The average Republican won’t move away from the GQP unless she’s a young woman. He may be right about an increase in young women activists in the Democratic party, though. At least I hope so.

    RR: Great cartoon.

    Dodo: That’s one type of cat I never had around. I was never owned by a hoarder.

    Beau: Sadly for us, Australia has “Republicans” too, which includes too many in Government, and they look to the US but do not see. And they copy everything, including horse meds. Yes, we actually have one or two local politicians promoting the human variant of it against Covid.

    • [Facepalm]  At least your politician is promoring the human variant.  Our people are getting it at feed stores as much as possible.  I’m sre that’s because it’s chealer andneeds no prescription … although that may change and require a veterinary prescription.

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