Apr 012011

Pseudo-Christian followers of Supply-side Jesus (not the real one) will do almost anything to accost unwilling individuals with rude attempts at proselytization.  However, presidential hopeful, Mike Huckabee, has found a new low to accomplish this.  It’s a Second Amendment solution.

1HuckabeeDid Mike Huckabee just flush his presidential aspirations down the proverbial toilet? Well, if American mainstream media has an ounce of journalistic gumption remaining the answer most certainly would be “yes”. Huckabee has just been caught on video, at a Christian supremacist conference, stating that Americans should be forcibly indoctrinated at gunpoint. The organization which hosted the “Rediscover God In America” conference, United in Purpose [Theocons delinked], has edited Huckabee’s comment from footage of his speech, but not before People For The American Way’s Kyle Mantyla captured the unedited footage, in which Mike Huckabee states, “I almost wish that there would be, like, a simultaneous telecast, and all Americans would be forced–forced at gunpoint no less–to listen to every David Barton message, and I think our country would be better for it. I wish it’d happen.”

David Barton is the leading promoter of a brand of falsified American history altered to support the claim that America was founded as a Christian, rather than a secular, nation… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Alternet>

Here’s the video.  The offending statement is at 1:06.

It is bad enough that these Republican Supply-side Christians (not the real ones) would force their dogma of bigotry, greed and intolerance on unsuspecting school children, but even that pales in comparison to a presidential hopeful suggesting guns as a method of evangelism.


  16 Responses to “Huckabee’s Second Amendment Solution”

  1. There is a second amendment solution to Huckabee’s wished for indoctrination, his own pistol in his mouth and a hair trigger with his ignorant ass finger on it. Just another candidate not running for president who never will be president.

  2. That was just a stupid joke. It was a throw-away line which he used to emphasize how much he likes that preacher. For you to focus on it and pretend it’s a real suggestion is to be just like the gun nuts who exaggerate and distort what we say in order to gain what they think is an advantage in the argument.

    We don’t need to do that. Huckabee is already bad enough, there’s already plenty about him which disqualifies. You don’t have to read more into his stupid jokes than there is.

    • Welcome Mike. 🙂

      Mike, your blog seems all about guns. Could that influence your perspective? It’s very possible that he was joking, but there are so many serious calls for violence coming from the right, and enough people have been killed already, that any joke about guns as persuasion is thoroughly inappropriate.

      • TomCat, I’m not sure what your point is that my blog is all about guns. I’m a very passionate and outspoken gun control advocate. But, unlike many on both sides of the argument, I think it’s important to draw a line when accusing the other side of something. In my opinion a guy like Mike Huckabee provides plenty to argue with without our making stuff up or reading more into a stupid joke than there is.

        Was it inappropriate? Yessir. Absolutely. I’ll be the first one on board when you want to crucify him for that. Political aspirants should be better composed and avoid saying stupid and unthinking things like that. But if you want to make a campaign that he really wants to use the threat of gun violence on people, you’ll have plenty of company, but count me out.

        • Mike, whether or not he intended it, he did suggest it, and that is what I accused him of doing. I did not say that he did or did not intend it. I repeated it and judged saying it wrong. If he was serious, he should not be President due to extremism. If he is joking, he should not be president because he lacks the necessary wisdom for that office.

  3. These ignorant supply-side Jesus (not the real one) followers are nothing more than a dangerous pack of revisionist social dictators who want to force everyone to follow their ridiculously narrow set of conduct and belief. Yo hell with every one of them!

  4. Well, now … you folks surely know you can’t spell A-m-e-r-i-c-a without J-e-s-u-s.

    But of course that only applies to those moronic (or in their world, morAnic) Teabaggers, who can’t spell worth bovine excrement to begin with!

  5. I have no desire to live under the Christian Taliban in a theocracy; Make no mistake– that is what these so called Christians would have ; It is easy to poke fun and call names , but make no mistake that is what Huckabee and the rest of them represent–Votes count people , and one issue voters elect people too—

  6. I invite you to watch the tape, best from the beginning, or at least roll it back a bit to get a fuller context. I can be found here. . The crowd chuckled softly at the remark, and he evidenced no offense. The humor was heightened by the fact that it was said by a minister. (Sadly, in today’s world, we can’t assume that all ministers would be joking about this matter; but this was a private gathering and the audience knew who was making the remark.) I am convinced it was mere hyperbole.

    I am of the opinion that this was poor journalistic practice by B.E. (Bruce) Wilson to not look more closely at the tape and the circumstance. At the very least he should have noted the possibility of hyperbole, and given the outlandish nature of the statement.

    I find Rev. Huckabee humble, affable, and easy to listen. It is his extreme politics–(for example he favors incorporating ALL of the West Bank into Israel)–that scares me to death.

    • Paul, I did hear the chuckling, but I could not tell whether it was humor or the nervous laughter often heard when a speaker says something thoroughly inappropriate. Also, please see my reply to Mike, above this.

  7. You didn’t hear the laughter? You’ve never heard of hyperbole? Typical Liberal response. “Crazy gun-toting Conservatives! Terrible! Just terrible!!!” Never mind that Liberals can be just as careless. I once attended a Census 2000 rally, supposedly an American function, right? But Maxine Waters led the people there in something called a ‘Black National Anthem’. Yeah, it was pretty, but it was NOT the American National Anthem. I started wondering just what country I’d stepped into that day.

    • Welcome Larry 🙂

      I covered your complaint in my replies to Mike and Paul above this.

      I’m sorry you had to be exposed to something you consider so horrific as the Black National Anthem. I might have felt the same at a Klan meeting.

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