Jun 072021

Glenn Kirschner – “Lawlessness begets lawlessness”

Now This News – Paxton Smith Reflects on Her Viral Abortion Speech

Ring of Fire – Scholars Warn That Republicans Have Launched A Total Assault On Democracy

Thom Hartmann – Is the GOP Insanity Being Driven By Trump or 40 Years of Madness? – Our Tom has been saying this for years.

Rocky Mountain Mike – “Bye Bye Blog”

Beau – Let’s talk about coming together under China and good news….


  2 Responses to “Video Thread 6/7/21”

  1. JM: Kirschner makes it sound so simple; all the DOJ has to do is start prosecuting lawmakers who break the constitution with their laws to end the lawlessness. With this SCOTUS at the end of the line, I doubt that it is that simple.

    NTN: Courageous young women like Paxton Smith bring hope. She can go very far. If her support system helps her stand up to the avalanche of evil Republicans will now try to bring on top of her, that is. It warms the cockles of my heart to see that so many of the young activists are fearless young women, like Malala, Greta Thunberg and now Paxton Smith.

    TH: You are absolutely right, Joanne. What Thom is saying here, is what our dear TomCat has been saying for at least as long as I’ve been coming to PP: Trump was a perfect distractor from long-existing GQP policies, not by distracting away from any of these policies but by boldly claiming them as his own. He was their perfect spokesman, putting their ideas out there in the most brazen way, by doing so inviting all the criticism to come his way and then have that roll off his back like water because of his personality structure and his demented ability to deny any responsibility for anything unless it brings him ovations.

    RMM: Well, the former guy and the creep that still serves him, Miller, maintain they killed the blog because they are working on something bigger, better and far-reaching. Let’s hope that will end up like all of the things that were going to be so much bigger, better and far-reaching and we never heard of again.

    Beau: To be honest, I think China is only in it to increase its influence in the region, but if that helps the Afghan people, so be it. Anything is better than the decades of war the Afghans knew under Soviet and American ‘support’. Of course, until China starts to send the Afghans to concentration camps for “re-education” like they do the Muslim Uighurs.

  2. GK: Of course TOT could use the presidency as a shield…the GOP wished it to be so.  Nothing was going to be done about the memo during TOT’s reign!!  I told a friend of mine, years ago, when he suggested that the president is hamstrung by congress, that the president can impact the culture, without having to get laws passed.  He did agree, and here it is.
    NT: Paxton for any darn office she wants!
    ROF: The damage has been huge, already, but without the new legislation, it may never be undone.  “Thirty year assault?” Much longer!  
    TH: Not just TOT, the Tea Party of the Koch Bros. brought the Nixon/Reagan insanity closer to what is now happening, paved the way.
    RMM: Nice!
    Beau: Economic development is one of the major things GWB apparently never thought of when he ended the existence of of Saddam Hussein’s “Red Guard,” leaving all those armed guys with nothing to do but make trouble.  It’s China, and we need to be wary…we will see.

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