Welcome Back Keith!

 Posted by at 3:21 am  Politics
Mar 242011


With all the controversy swirling about the incursion into Libya, the well reasoned insightful commentary Keith Olbermann provides has been sorely missed.  The good news is: He’s ba-a-a-a-a-ack!!  But before treating you to his Special Comment, lets introduce him with a comparison.  On the same topic, here is the best reason to spay and newter your Republican. πŸ˜‰

Now. here’s Keith.

I think he has accurately debunked the absurd notion of impeachability, but still pointed out the flaws in how we commit troops and in Obama’s failure to define his policy and justify it to the American people.

Welcome back, Keith!


  8 Responses to “Welcome Back Keith!”

  1. So glad to see Keith back!!

  2. SOOOOO good to hear Keith’s voice again! He hits it out of the park, as usual.

  3. Keith,
    You have been sorely missed. We need your comments on Wisconsin, Michigan, and Ohio.

    Will you be back on T.V.?

    • Welcome C&P! πŸ™‚


      I can’t pretend to be Keith, but I do know the answer. He is taking over news programming at a cable station, Current TV (Comcast 107), and will be on the air himself this summer.


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