Mar 252021

It’s another crappy day here in the CatBox.  Shower Aides are coming, but there will be no grocery delivery from Store to Door.  WWWendy is bringing groceries on Saturday instead, so I can go to bed when the aides leave. Poopy Hugs to all! 

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 5:14 (average 4:17).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Take:

From YouTube (a blast from the past): Tuesday Afternoon-The Moody Blues-(Long Extended Version)


I love long version and the memories! RESIST the Republican Reich!!

Don’t Let Republicans Steal YOUR Future!!


  15 Responses to “Personal Update – 3/25/2021”

  1. Cartoon: This picture makes me want to scream! ugh! 
    Moody Blues: Ahhh….. great song! 

    Hi! to your shower aides, and Hi to Wendy too! Hope that you get your rest, and then nap some more. Does a body good, don’tchaknow? Take good, good care, Tom!! 

    *This just in: “Joe is doing his job and is magnificent doing so. Nancy P., and Chuck S., and the Dems are passing huge pieces of legislation. Then there’s Merrick Garland over @the DOJ investigating insurrectionists.” 
    ~ Joanne W. ~ 
    2. “The sky is the limit for Biden and Harris team, and for the United States.” ~ Sandra S. ~ 
    3. “People are just playing the odds that in a country of 320 million, that you are not the next one to get caught in the next mass killing spree.” ~ Don Lemon ~ 
    4. “Republicans are outraged over the immigration crisis they helped create.” ~ Scott Dworkin ~ 
    5. “To live through this period as an Asian American is to feel defenseless against a virus as well as a virulent strain of scapegoating. It is to feel trapped in an American Tragedy while being denied the legitimacy of being an American.” ~ Jiayang Fan ~ 

  2. Hoping your day improves.
    ‘Toon: Makes me curse!
    The Moodies are just wonderful!

  3. TJI#1: Bravo! Bravo!
    TJI#2: All the more so, if they can get around BBMM!
    TJI#3: I read that the NRA was sending out tweets about the 2nd amendment, after the shootings.  I hope Colorado can get a sensible gun law enacted, after their horror.
    TJI#4: Republicans are outraged over anything that does not serve their self-interest!
    TJI#5: How helpless, and scary, that must be.

  4. Just rest all you can. I know I sound like a broken record (which you and I are both old enough to remember)…but I hope a broken record with a heart.

    Cartoon- No wonder the sight of a black person in a hoodie gives them conniptions. They don’t grasp the difference.

    Blast – Last Tuesday is past – next Tuesday we are expecting more snow. I’ll just stay in.

  5. Cartoon: Yep, those rotten hooded R’s does make you want to scream. 
    BFTP: Great hit by the Moody Blues.
    Glad to hear that you had your shower aides coming over today. 
    Nice that Wendy will bring your groceries on Saturday, bless her for all she does for you.
    I hope you were able to get some rest throughout the day, plus ate and drank too.
    Continue resting, hope you’re feeling better Tom.
    Take care.

  6. Be sure to let your caretakers know when certain things get too hard to do for you, TomCat. Don’t hesitate, hospice care is there to find solutions to your specific problems.

    Cartoon: That’s an old picture, isn’t it? Nowadays Republicans have absolutely no problem with taking off their hoods and show everyone what they stand for without hiding behind the paraphernalia.

    BFTP: My goodness, I’d almost forgotten what incredibly good music the Moody Blues made. Thanks for reminding me, TomCat.

  7. Thanks and TGIF Hugs to all. 19

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