Mar 222021

Really American – It finally dawned upon me that these Really American videos with Glenn Kirschner must be speeded up! they are so different from his “Justice Matters voice. There is a way to slow them (or any YouTube video) down through the settings by selecting “playback speed.”

The Lincoln Project – “Why We Fight”

Ring of Fire – Farron is understandably (and justifiably) upset.


Beau doesn’t really have a crystal ball – anyone who pays attention could have told you this (maybe not so well, though)

Keith from yesterday – There’s CC but it’s in Russian.

There’s text at the site, but it’s not a transcript, so I downloaded on elsewhere. I only cleaned it up a little so there’s still off punctuation and capitalization.
Okay, so I just got my second dose of the vaccine out here at aqueduct, racetrack in new york, where I once bet illegally as a sixteen year old, but everything since then has gone okay. I wanted to talk to you about vaccine hesitancy and I doubt that anybody who’s watching my video would be vaccine, hesitant or vaccine skeptic, but just in case you know somebody who is, a couple of points to make – right after they injected directly into my veins number one side effects that you may hear about: they don’t necessarily get caused by that just happened. I have another friend who got his first shot before his second shot. He had a foot injury. I had a foot injury. That does not mean this causes foot injuries number two too fast: the development of this drug. No, not really. No. Moderna had thisstuff ready on january thirteenth, twenty twenty they spent the last six eight twelve months working. Making sure that this particular vaccine worked against this particular corona virus and it has the idea that there might be tracking micro chips injected into your arm really small ones. I suppose they could tell everybody where you are defies not only logic and common sense and, of course, every conspiracy theory you can think of, but also denies the market forces Right. Now you have a microchip on. You called your phone for which they managed to charge you anything from. Oh, I don’t know four hundred dollars to a million depending on how expensive your phone is. Why would they give you one for free? And lastly, if you are afraid of needles just say, you’re afraid of needles- I don’t know I had corona virus last year. If they told you you had to get the vaccine through your eyeball. I would have said: okay, I’m not going to enjoy it, but give it to me through my eyeball. They don’t they put it in your arm. You don’t feel anything it’s a little sore or later. So just remember. This now means v for vaccines, get the damn shot already. Thank you good night and good luck.


  5 Responses to “Video Thread 3/22/2021”

  1. RA: Good points there. I don’t think the old white male police officers have offered any statement that wasn’t biased in favour of the white, male, misogynist, racist terrorist. Those cops should be fired for the way they handled this, their mindset is very much that of the shootist.

    LP: Sadly, the fight has only just started.

    ROF: Why is everyone so surprised that Cruz gets away with lying? He’s just a chip off the Trump block, isn’t he? Trump got away with nearly 5 years of lying, and is still getting away with it, so why wouldn’t his acolytes?

    CRF: Very loud, adrenaline-filled but nice message to hear coming from Southern lips.

    Beau: Who needs a crystal ball when Republicans are so predictable? 06

    Alberman: ✌️ I know the hand is the wrong way around, but the other way around is still considered too rude while this one πŸ–• apparently isn’t.

  2. Republicans Oppose Life


    Why We Fight

    You bet we do!  It’s THAT important!

    Leaked Phone Call Reveals Ted Cruz Lied About Legislation

    Just proves something we’ve all known: Cruz is an ASSHOLE!

    … how Republicans manipulate the emotional….

    Definitely getting old: I so prefer this approach compared to BUTTERCREAM DREAM.

    • Well, neither you nor I is from the South.  Corey is definitely speaking to southerners.  The who;e point of Well RED Comedy (Corey, Trae, and Derw) seems to be that you can look an talk like a Trumper without being one – IOW, you can still have a brain and use it and sound like that.

      Did you find the lyric yesterday?

  3. RA: Yep. 
    LP: Fight for our Nation. 
    ROF: Don’t trust anything he says. 
    KO: Spot on! 

    Thank you, Joanne for post. 

  4. Thanks JD. 35

    Semi-conscious hugs and AMEN! to all said here. 29

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