Mar 142021

Really American – best ad in a while, IMO

Katie Porter explains the “American Rescue Plan.” It’s 33+ minutes and the sound isn’t that great…but it does have CC and it’s Katie Porter. Maybe bookmark it.

Damage Report – Here’s what actually happened. The senate voted Friday to move her nomination to the full Senate, and the actual confirmation is expected on Monday.

Senator Sheldon Whitehuse on judges. (or on Lawrence O’Donnell about judges.) Important, because mostly overlooked.

Armageddon Update – I think Titus is correct as far as he goes. But I would have named Philip first (and Camilla third.)

VoteVets on Tfucker Carlson

Beau on Tfucker Carlson (pity he doesn’t have a mechanism to flip his hat patch in the middle of a video. That would be something to see.


  3 Responses to “Video Thread 3/14/2021”

  1. RA is spot-on, as usual!
    Go, Katie!
    DR: Four Republicans?  How about that?
    MSNBC: It was good to hear that HR#1 will go a good way towards opening up the screen!  Whitehouse is, obviously, my kind of guy!  I expect that the Koch Boys have been behind the scam, as well as the Mercers.
    AU: Sad!
    VV: The wanna-be man-thing personifies the scum his Orange hero was, supposedly, going to clear out of the “swamp.”
    Beau:  “Meritocracy?” Carlson would fall ion his empty head if he ever had to operate within such a thing!  TC has NEVER known what he’s talked about, he just rattles on.  I had a client, a couple of years ago, who had the lack of sense to buy a male sexual enhancing package of stuff from TC’s company.  It turned out to be no more than some herbs he could have bought over the counter.  TC is a fraud from the get-go, just like the Orange Empty he used to very vociferously support.  I would love for TC to take him up on his offer.  Watching that would be better than watching Billie Jean King beating that other loud mouth, years ago.  With luck maybe much luck, TC may have just started Faux News’ final descent into irrelevance.

  2. RA: After decades of the GOP trying successfully to steal votes, it’s about time there’s a stop put to it.

    DR: Slowly but steadily Republican opposition against Biden’s candidates for his cabinet are crumbling. Four Republicans voted for Haaland; four!

    MSNBC: Democrats can’t turn back the clock on those sickening appointments of judges but have to try and counter-balance it with their own. They live in the hope that enough Republican judges will leave the bench to get back to some sense of normality but the whole system is broken. Judges should never have been or be appointed on the basis of their political colour. As long as this idea persists, cancer in the system will continue to grow.

    AU: The British Queen is the head of state of Oz but Americans seem to be more preoccupied with “royalty” than the Aussies are.

    VV: Tucker is defending himself by digging in. Literally digging his own grave a little deeper.

    Beau: One from the heart!

  3. GOP Actively Trying To Steal Our Votes

    It is, quite literally, their ONLY hope for surviving.

    Rep. Katie Porter Breaks Down the American Rescue Plan

    As previously noted a number of times, I think we can ALL agree Rep. Porter is headed for greater things – AND SHE DESERVES THEM!

    Deb Haaland Confirmed


    VoteVets’ Reaction To Tucker Carlson

    Let’s talk about Tucker Carlson 

    I LOATHE Tfucker Carlson (Per Usual: The “T” is silent)

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