Mar 122021

It’s a tired day, here in the CatBox.  All things considered, yesterday went well.  The shower aides were on time and they did a great job.  My grocery delivery was on time and accurate.  I even Republicated.  Nevertheless, it was still an overly full day and I am BIG TIME pooped.  Tomorrow, please expect no more than a Personal Update.  It’s a WWWendy morning, and we have chores.  TGIF!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:26 (average 5:26).  To di it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Take:

From YouTube (a blast from the past): Strawberry Alarm Clock – Incense and Peppermints


Ah… the memories!  RESIST the Republican Reich!!

Don’t Let Republicans Steal YOUR Future!!


  9 Responses to “Personal Update – 3/12/2021”

  1. Cartoon: His fireside chats were very popular with easing anxieties about the Depression to the Nation. Sad times.
    BFTP: Cool song! Thanks! 

    That’s good news about yesterday. Hope that you can take a nap this afternoon. Take good, good care, and Thanks, Tom. 

    *This just in: “From personal experience as a key witness, I assure you that you do not visit a prosecutor’s office 7 times if they are not planning to indict those about whom you hae knowledge. It’s only a matter of how many days until DA Vance indicts Donald & Company. ~ John Dean ~ 
    2. “Best thing on CBS – Trump was not called by his name. They referred to him as ‘the other guy’. I loved it!”   ~ twodogsbarking ~ 
    3. “Attorney General Merrick Garland has a nice ring to it – don’t you think?” ~ Jon C. ~ 
    4. “Today, the former President issued a statement full of lies, and no one cared. Very few people even saw it.” 
    ~ Ted Lieu ~ 
    4. “Hey, Tucker Carlson. I’ve logged 20 years in the Corps. 2000 flight hours, 3 combat tours. 3 kids delivered on active duty. How about you?” ~ Amy McGrath ~ 
    5. “It’s nice to have a President again.” ~ Bill Kristol ~ 

    • TJI #1 – Great minds, sort of
      TJI #2 – Yes. That is good.
      TJI #3 – Yes. It does. And great minds again.
      TJI #4 – LOL!
      TJI #5 – Being Tucker, he will shudder and call her a witch, if not a demon.
      TJI #6.- Yes. Isn’t it.

    • TJI’s all good, especially #4.  Maybe the POS will go out sucking an egg.  But, in signing a petition to Faux BS inc., I mentioned that the issue would not be settled by firing him, as the issue is their company’s policy of supporting scum such as he.

    • Responsible, caring, intelligent, empathetic adults back in charge.

      How wonderfully refreshing after FOUR YEARS in the desert!

  2. I hope you will also have time tomorrow to have some FUN. Glad yesterday at least went smoothly I was expecting a package yesterday and ended up receiving SIX, ranging in weight from way less than an ounce to 27 pounds. Thank God for small, collapsible carts.. So I’m tired myself. At least all of it was stuff I wanted … and over half was also stuff I was out of or about to ru out of.

    Cartoon – First there was radio. Then there was television. Now there is Twitter, YouTube, and other media. I’m not sure that’s progress.

    I don’t remember this one. It sounds defeatist, but that was just the sixties, I guess.

  3. Yesterday sounds good, overall.
    ‘Toon: Bet he did not accuse everybody he did not like for the entire worlds’ problems!
    BFP: One of my favorites!

  4. Cartoon: Those earlier chats, must of been a thrill for the people. 
    BFTP: Great song that brings fun memories.
    Happy everything went well yesterday, hope the trend keeps going that way.
    Hope you had a restful day. That you’re eating and drinking well too.
    Tell Wendy “Hello” tomorrow.  
    Take care.

  5. Good to hear that everything went well and you had a good day yesterday, TomCat.

    It’s no fun being last in line all the time due to the time difference between our residences, but today it has its advantages. I know you won’t read this until your ‘tomorrow’, which is your birthday, so I get to be one of the first to wish you a happy birthday, my friend.
    Two years ago we all wished you many more 39th birthdays, last year we did too though you already had these bad back pains and you were going to visit your oncologist to see what could be done. You also decided to turn 72 instead of another 39 then; you may have had a premonition. When your diagnosis was confirmed, your doctors thought you wouldn’t last to see the 2020 elections but you did and you saw Joe Biden inaugurated too. And here you are, TomCat, 73 years old today, tough as nails, still hanging on and keeping your site going.

  6. I’ve always found showers to be amazingly refreshing & rejuvenating!

    Getting chores done is good … Republicating is also good!

    Get some rest – you’ve earned it!

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