Jan 032021

GEORGIA – Meidas Touch – The Second Coming of Christ* on GA’s Republican Senators

GEORGIA – Really American

Not a video – and not fun – but important

Parody of “Mr. Blue Sky” by Rocky Mountain Mike

Beau on Republicans Senators and Representatives

Keith from yesterday – I thought he might have something to say today, but if so, it isn’t up yet.

*I’m not kidding, he actually claims that


  6 Responses to “Video Thread 1/3/2021”

  1. MT: Beautiful!
    RA: Sent it to Freya, as she may not get to see it here.  Wonderful!
    WP: Not going to go there, I’m not into self-torture.  I do understand that he sounds like a very sad, frightened itty, bitty, widdy baby, though.
    Parody Mtn. Mike: On loud speakers as he leaves the WH, under his own, or the Fed’s power.
    Beau must have the greatest tee-shirt collection, anywhere.  Authoritarian power structures, be damned!  “Performative tests,” excellent phrase.  “…by undermining everything this country stands for,” and these fools do need to pay a political price for this.   “If somebody can get you to believe the absurd, they can get you to do anything,” comes right out of Voltaire: “Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” 
    Keith: “He actually claims that…”  What did I miss, claims what?  In any case this is sedition! 

  2. MT: The phrase “a mad hatter” was never more appropriate than for this insane MAGA-hat wearer.

    RA: The people of Georgia are not only standing up for their state but for the whole of America. If they manage to flip those two seats, Georgia will become a hero state.

    WP: This is not the sound of silence but the sound of desperation. All the news channels I visit carried it, so everyone is convinced that this isn’t fake news. The White House hasn’t given any comment yet, probably because they’re desperately trying to sedate Trump, but I expect to get nothing more than “Fake News” or “a hoax”.

    RMM: 06

    Beau: [What they did] should be remembered. They picked their side and it wasn’t the side of the American people. Amen.

    KO: Keith goes even further and wants to have those 11 Senators charged with sedition, now or on January 20th. Amen to that too.

  3. All good! 
    KO kicks and gets the truth out! with #45 & #46.

    Thank God for truthful upfront people like him, for saying what he says. 

  4. Lin Wood is crazy – but at least this time his insanity helps us out.

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