Sep 212009

I should be around enough today to visit the regulars here and maybe look for new friends and new sources.

My religious experience yesterday was excellent with several close NFL games to track.  But how did the Bumble Bowl go, between Randal’s Browns and my Broncos?  A picture is worth a thousand words.


I completed today’s Jig Zone puzzle in 4:54.  To try it, Click Here.  How did you do?

This an open thread, so sound off!


  2 Responses to “Open Thread – 9/21/2009”

  1. Better, but you still beat me…lol I did it in 5:15…I may never beat you though.. but that's ok..

  2. Annette, it's only a 21 seconds difference, and I've been doing these puzzles for years. Soon, I'll be eating your dust.

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