Sep 042020

As Trump continues to unravel at breakneck speed, he’s starting to get comfortable with his true inner-self and transitioning into the real Nazi we all know he is …

The Soup Nazi, that is.

It’s going to be a Sisyphean task to try and rank all of Trump’s Idiotic Statements, but the one just a couple of days ago has got to at least rank in the Top 100:

“And you have people coming over with bags of soup — big bags of soup.  And they lay it on the ground, and the anarchists take it and they start throwing it at our cops, at our police.  And if it hits you, that’s worse than a brick because that’s got force.  It’s the perfect size.  It’s, like, made perfect.  And when they get caught, they say, ‘No, this is just soup for my family.  And the media says, ‘This is just soup.’”

If you don’t believe me that anyone could say something that stupid, here’s the official White House transcript:

(SIDEBAR:  You know what happens after Trump eats a huge bowl of alphabet soup?

(He has a vowel movement.)

Once again, the Twitterverse stepped up and did what it does best – make a total mockery of Trump’s stupidity.

Truth be told, it shocked me to learn that Sec. of Commerce Wilbur Ross is an Anarchist …

But who knew those cute Campbell’s kids were Antifa?

But you don’t have to feel left out of the protests – you, too, can stock an arsenal of soups, just like the rest of the Antifa movement.

Why, here’s an example of budding Anarchist “souper” soldier:

But when you’re coming home from the grocery store with your larder – please drive carefully!

And be aware: Now that Trump has spilled the beans (no pun intended), QAnon, Boogaloo Bois and other right-wingers have been alerted – and are spreading the word about our secret weapons:

A word to those on a budget when stocking up: The powers that be at Antifa are cutting back on our supply allowances:

(I have to admit that I, myself, stopped carrying mace a couple years back.  I now pack a can of Progresso Cream of Mushroom.  It delivers a doozy of a wallop!)

You know what the NRA always says: “The only way to stop a bad guy with a can of soup is a good guy with a can of soup.”

(Being a strong gun control proponent, I have to admit I stewed a long time about posting that one.)

If you’re worried about Trump setting Federal forces after us, be comforted knowing the Trumpkins haven’t seen anything yet!

Believe me – it’s a fantastic weapon!  It will show them NO mercy … not even a ladle bit!

That reminds me back when restaurants were open (and I had hearing), a waitress taking my order asked me “Soup or salad?”  I told her, “No, the regular salad will be just fine.”

I want to leave you with a couple of questions to mull over:

If you boil a couple of funny bones, does it then become a laughingstock?

(Oh, come on … You gotta agree that was humerus.)

Do you know what the difference between roast beef and pea soup is?

Anyone can roast beef.

Are you pointing to the Exit for me?  Remember, I’ll be here all week.  Try the fish, and be sure to tip your waitstaff.



  12 Responses to “Friday Fun: NO SOUP FOR YOU!”

  1. Priceless!  I take it from one of the tweets above that Andy Warhol is not only on board but an inspiration.  I was wondering about that!  And, yes, those Progresso cans are souper sized.  (I get the gluten free chowder myself.)

    Does everyone remember the Canadian cartoonist, Michael de Adder, who made that extremely poignant cartoon of Trump* saying – to the drowned father and daughter trying to get here – “Mat I play through?”  And got fired for it?  Well, he is now working fot the Lincoln Project … and has been compensated for this – it says so – and since it’s the Lincoln project, they want it spread about, so I will reproduce it here as a comment on the rest of the fun:

    TC, should you disagree, I did not put it in the library but used the original link, so it is here, but nowhere else on the site.

  2. OMG, this is hilarious!! 
    Love this!! 
    Thanks, Nameless for the laughs, rolling on the floor! 10

  3. VERY funny!  Thank you!

  4. “(Oh, come on … You gotta agree that was humerus.)” — That’s your throwing arm, right? or was that a reference to the boiling of funny bones?

    Very, very humourous Nameless!  And just incase you think I cannot spell, this explanation:

    Although humourous has been used for over 300 years, its relative scarcity would present you with quite the uphill battle to convince someone that it’s a correct spelling.

    What can I say, I’m an old soul . . . a Canadian sasquatch soul at that!

  5. Thanks Nameless!  Love it! 03

  6. Thanks Nameless!   A little levity very welcome as I continue to wait for the air to become healthy again as heat warnings return, overlapping with fire warnings and possible power shut offs.

  7. Nameless, when I saw this picture with an accompanying story, I thought of you.  The guy on the far right has it correctly: Coward’s Chicken Nazi!

  8. Wow…this is hilarious, Nameless.
    Certainly needed a good laugh with all that has been going on in.
    Thanks Nameless

  9. Went to a protest against the tRump regime in Atlanta today. Unfortunately, I soon realized that I don’t have the stamina I used to – been sitting way too much – so I had to bow out. A few minutes after I started for the nearest rail station, a whole platoon of cops showed up, and from afar I saw at least two protesters get arrested. None of us were causing any trouble. Nobody was throwing bricks or smashing windows or overturning cars. We were exercising our Constitutional right to assemble peacefully. Maybe some reich-wing bugnuts had told them that we were being violent.

  10. Hillarious! I tried to come up with another word, but couldn’t.

    When I first heard Trump utter this soup nonsense I thought “You’re kidding, right?.” I honestly thought Trump was attempting some humour for a few seconds there. But as he raved on about big bags of soup, I realized that he’s as incapable of humour as he is of empathy and that this was one of those moments where he’s unravelling right before the camera and the nations eyes.

    He and his base will, of course, maintain that this was a joke and for a moment I genuinely thought it was. Because even for a demented mind this is too rediculous.

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