Sep 032020

Really American – This sort of thing scares us, but doesn’t seem to scare the right much. Still, we don’t just need to reach the right, we need to GOTV on the left as never before seen.

It’s been a long time since Trump threw out this atrocious statement. I trust it has now been answered once and for all

Lincoln Project – Not a planned video, and pretty much speaks for itself.

This ad was made for Facebook by Priorities USA, but Facebook refuses to air it, claiming it violates a ban on “shocking, sensational, inflammatory, or excessively violent content.”

Not a professional production but … somebody went there!

I was never a David Bowie fan so I don’t know the original – but I don’t think you need to be to appreciate this.


  7 Responses to “Video Thread for 9/3/2020”

  1. All good videos! 
    Thank you Joanne for getting these out here. 

  2. Hate to admit this, but … enduring a more pronounced case of androgenetic alopecia than any male would like, I have to admit I’m EXTREMELY jealous of David Bowie’s gorgeous mane!

  3. Great videos; thanks for posting, Joanne.

  4. Marvelous stuff! 
    Hey, Nameless, “Alopecia Power!”
    Apparently, Trump’s dumping on the military, as in the case of Senator McCain, is coming around to bite him in the ass, at this late point in the election run-up!!

  5. Great Job, JD! 18

    There are Americans dumber than Trump*… the ones who voted for him!

  6. Trying to catch up. Did watch these videos.
    Great ones. 
    Thanks Joanne

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