Calling in sick…

 Posted by at 9:34 am  Personal
Feb 162011

I’m afraid I need to take a day off here.  I don’t know id I ate something bad, caught a bug, or am reacting to the patch, but yesterday I felt so week I slept all afternoon and woke up with the worst case of the runs I’ve had in years.  I hope I’m back tomorrow.


  22 Responses to “Calling in sick…”

  1. Take care of yourself, TomCat. I hope it is not the patch. I went ahead and did the puzzle. 3:57, average 4:38

  2. Feel better soon. Take the patch off for about 6 hours – that should give you enough time to see if it’s the patch.

  3. Sorry to hear that, feel better!

  4. Sorry to hear, man.

    George Carlin:

    “How come everybody always says ‘I don’t give a shit’; nobody ever says “take a shit.”

    Well, sometimes it just goes that way…Makes me thing of my Mexican experiences and ” a gentleman dapper running to the crapper.”

    Myself, I dasn’t quit smoking.
    Would surely go into similar conniptions.

  5. I hope you feel better soon!

  6. You are an at will employee ergo it is a day off with no pay.

    Seriously rest up Tom for Gods sake you ain’t 45 anymore.

    I did a piece on Boehner and his “So Be It” today anybody who needs to comment is welcome to come and speak their minds.

  7. Good luck and get well, TomCat. We don’t want to lose you!

  8. Good luck and get better soon.

  9. Sorry to hear.

    Of course, we really old guys find every day a bonus! Heh. Living on borrowed time.

  10. Take care of yourself TomCat. We need you at full strength to battle the mountain of crap that’s hurled at us everyday.

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